...If You Want Something Changed, Call a Mob

Modern FoxKit


DarthTrevyn says... #1

Thundersong Trumpeter ??? did you mean to put Intrepid Hero in it's place?

Like the idea tho! I might suggest adding in a couple Cavern of Souls to help with control decks and with all the humans out there Champion of the Parish is a great 1 drop! Plus Champion of the Parish + Thatcher Revolt = HAHAH! Also maybe Captain of the Watch just for S&G's late game and Odric, Master Tactician over Attended Knight ... the extra body is nice however controlling the board is nicer! >:D Looks good so far can't wait to see what this becomes!

January 1, 2013 12:20 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #2

Oh one more thing! To keep it standard you may want to swap out Rally the Forces for Dynacharge :D It's no first strike but that extra +1 could save the day still.

January 1, 2013 12:24 p.m.

FoxKit says... #3

Haha, yeah, I forgot I had those Trumpeters in, so swapped Lightning Mauler s. I built this out of the cards I had and forgot that it's not exactly current anymore. I've got a couple Precinct Captain s coming, but I've heard tell that the WW can slow your mana sometimes, but I guess it all depends.

Champion of the Parish , (also Silverblade Paladin ) and Cavern of Souls are all really amazing, and you're right, they would be super awesome. However, they're a bit out of my price range at the moment, (I see Cavern of Souls is $25 a pop....). Though....this is the internet.....no one has to know.....

I agree with Odric, but I'll have to experiment. I've heard equal praise and disappointment for him. Awesome for controlling the board, but makes turn 4 difficult based on what you could be going against, because you have to wait till turn 5 to use him. I'll switch back and forth to see how he works.

Instead of Captain of the Watch , (just because I don't have any at the moment), what do you think of 2 Burn at the Stake s, a Herald of War or two, or some Riders of Gavony ?

And yeah, forgot that Rally the Forces is out already. XD

Thanks for all your input!!

January 1, 2013 12:50 p.m.

DarthTrevyn says... #4

Good call on the Lightning Mauler ! You can pair him with Odric on turn 4 and get some early board control that way. I personally like Burn at the Stake it can win you games with enough creatures on the field. I like Riders of Gavony over Herald of War just because I've never gotten Herald of War to work for me :P...But if you can get your hands on them I would recommend Hellrider before the Riders or the Herald... A little extra burn never hurts! XD Another thought is to add in 1-2 Curse of Exhaustion s that way they have to choice from removing a threat that you might have or playing a creature of their own.

I think that you might want to remove -1 Hanweir Lancer and -3 Gore-House Chainwalker adding in ether Kruin Striker or Kessig Malcontents . Both of these guys work great with Thatcher Revolt !

Also Elite Vanguard & Adaptive Automaton are out too :'( I might suggest Doomed Traveler in their place or some of the cards that I suggested earlier.

January 1, 2013 1:38 p.m.

FoxKit says... #5

Hellrider is amazing, but I only have one of them, unfortunately. Curse of Exhaustion sounds good too, but I don't know if I want to clutter my all-out rush by slowing them down. (I also don't have any. XD)

Added some Kessig Malcontents and Kruin Striker s and removed the Elite Vanguard and Adaptive Automaton s. I'd add some Doomed Traveler s too, but I don't have any, again.

I'm want to add in Riders of Gavony and Burn at the Stake , but I"m not sure what to take out, as I'm already at 67 as it is. Should I cut Increasing Devotion for them? or cut something else to replace for the Riders or Stake?

January 1, 2013 3:56 p.m.

Definitely dump Elesh Norn if you want this deck to go fast.

July 3, 2013 3:49 p.m.

Alixen says... #7

Just a small change I'd take out the Banners Raised for more Weapon Surge the first strike will serve you better in the long run I think.

August 18, 2013 6:31 p.m.

FoxKit says... #8

Good point. Will do. =3

August 18, 2013 7:41 p.m.

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