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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kessig Malcontents
Creature — Human Warrior
When Kessig Malcontents enters the battlefield, it deals damage to target player equal to the number of Humans you control.
Frostfrenzy on The hottest dance
3 years ago
3 mana suggestions would be Goblin Chainwhirler , Priest of Urabrask , Ghitu Journeymage and Storm Caller , Kessig Malcontents (if you run a decent more amount of humans next to your commander)
LegitHuman46 on List of all infinite combos 2.0
4 years ago
Here are some combos:
Walk the Aeons + Life from the Loam +Azusa, Lost but Seeking Infinite turns.
Fist of Suns + Morophon, the Boundless + Kessig Malcontents + Stormfront Riders Infinite Damage
Nyxbloom Ancient + Basalt Monolith Infinite colorless mana.
Viscera Seer + Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Murderous Redcap Infinite Damage.
Myr Galvanizer + Myr Galvanizer + Palladium Myr Infinite colorless mana.
Scholar of the Ages + Thassa, Deep-Dwelling +Chance for Glory + Tale's End Infinite turns IN STANDARD as of GRN to THB.
Ilharg, the Raze-Boar + Medomai the Ageless Infinite turns. Use Helm of the Host as an Ilharg replacement.
PrismMTG on Norin's Army
5 years ago
Looking at you mana curve, I think that you could easily go down to 20 lands and be just fine. And If you are running 34 creatures, I'd suggest Collected Company unless this is supposed to be a more budget version. If it isn't supposed to be a budget version I would also suggest swapping Noble Hierarch in place of Avacyn's Pilgrim because it has 2 of the colors you need as apposed to just one. I am also going to suggest Path to Exile / Lightning Bolt / Lightning Helix because any deck needs at least a little bit removal. Thalia's Lieutenant is amazing in any humans deck. Militia Bugler could tutor up every creature you have except for Kessig Malcontents . If your deck relies on +1/+1 counters, I'm going to suggest Hardened Scales and Abzan Falconer .
djewell on Mob Mentality
6 years ago
@thebome101 Thank you! And thank you for the feedback! I had faintly thought of Panharmonicon and have one copy currently (yes it's quite a bit cheaper). My initial thoughts were this... that it was a dime in one hand and 10 pennies in the other. Doubling tokens creates double the damage output for Impact Tremors and Kessig Malcontents..
Upon further thought, however, Anointed Procession comes with the temptation of holding off on Kessig or Burn at the Stake when really, I should just be slamming those things down like there's no tomorrow. Dual Casting as well, can give me the double token output from my sorcery drops.. and turning all my Impact Tremors into Purphoros, God of the Forge's is quite attractive. Good suggestion! I'll make the change and keep my Anointed Processions nearby.
Yeti_Confetti on Five Color Humans
7 years ago
Sigarda, Heron's Grace could help out, be a human, but she protects them and poops out humans. The token outlet could maybe work with Kessig Malcontents.
SynergyBuild on White Humans (Intro Deck)
7 years ago
The price was one complaint, the deck isn't good at teaching. I am still confused as to the point of Mutavault, and I had been playing for two months (1 month since I was introduced to modern). This is the deck I know the most about, having been playing mono-white soldier tribal for the majority of my time in modern. I have beaten plenty of decks with them, and I know that Mutavault isn't a good fit. Hanweir Garrison Meld very well with Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant, and then you can get Hanweir Battlements Meld as well. Boros is great with humans (Thatcher Revolt) for buffing the Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant, other than that in red think Kessig Malcontents, Riot Ringleader and much more.
There is much more than just the price I had an issue with.
lagotripha on How to: Play Magic for ~$6.
7 years ago
There are a number of cheap, effective red kards Keldon Marauders has fallen out of favour, but is a 2 mana lava axe when it works. Nivmagus Elemental is cheap and provides limited counterspell protection and the oppertunity for combo finishes with Temur Battle Rage. Sin Prodder is dirt cheap and very effective, even without cheap delve.
With super budget the lack of lightning bolt hurts red, and lack of boros charm red white so janky combo is usually the most functional option. Board flooding with Mogg War Marshal, Foundry Street Denizen Dragon Fodder Battle Hymn Dragonrage Akroan Crusader Empty the Warrens, Haze of Rage and so forth to spam out a win. Guttersnipe used to be good but has fallen to more efficient options, leaving him pretty cheap.
Human tribal with Keldon Marauders/Thatcher Revolt/Kessig Malcontents is functional, especially with Gather the Townsfolk and Dearly Departed/Cathartic Reunion. For the non-$10 version there are some very competitive lists out there, but there are a lot of cards in modern that aren't valuable because they just aren't in short supply but are still super good.