With Saheeli Rai on the battlefield, cast Felidar Guardian. Target Saheeli. Exile her, bring her back. Activate the -2 ability from Saheeli, target Felidar Guardian. Create a hasty token. With the token's ability, target Saheeli. Repeat infinite times for infinite attackers.
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Icbrgr on Switch Deck
1 year ago
A "Transformative" decklist is what I think people call it.... It's certainly been done before but i cant give any real competitive examples.
I personally run a Saheeli combo deck in modern Altar of the Brood + Liquimetal Coating + Saheeli Rai for a Mill win condition.... but if milling becomes complicated due to something like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or I predict they will bring in artifact hate i just bring in the classic Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai infinite cat combo instead.
Icbrgr on New hubs to be added
3 years ago
Is Copycat worthy of having a hub? Decks using the Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai combo? I noticed the deck on MTGTop8 and similar in the Modern builds.
Mtg_Mega_Nerds on
Narset Says "My Turn" *Primer*
3 years ago
I am also considering Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai .
legendofa on New hubs to be added
4 years ago
Here's my current to-do list (non-comprehensive and subject to change):
Remove Caw Blade, Cruel Control, NSFW, Solar Flare, Team America, and Tutorless
Rename Amulet Bloom to Amulet Titan, Birthing Pod to Toolbox, Affinity to Affinity Scales (?). I thought Copycat was specifically Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai , but that hub could use a name change, too.
Add Ad Nauseam, Belcher, MUD, Niv-Mizzet Reborn (Niv to Light? mtggoldfish name) Oath of Druids, Omnath Ramp, Xerox
Research Pioneer decks, current range of Hogaak and Urza, mechanics of Canadian Threshold and Paradoxical Outcome (Cheerios variation? Is that name still around?)
Questions: Are Show and Tell, Sneak Attack, and Underworld Breach relevant together?
Gruul Utopia is more or less Gruul + Land Destruction, to my eyes. I know the deck well, but does it need a unique hub?
I'm also slowing down until the hub improvements are underway.
GarrettTheGreat on
Pioneer Is A Turn Three Format
5 years ago
Thank you for Clarifying. Obviously the turn 3 plan comes directly from Santa Clause, but beyond that it is a two card combo that will likely be banned as it's even easier to do than Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai in my opinion.
Argy on
Cast a Shadow [Frontier]
6 years ago
Yeah it's weird, hey?
I can kind of understand that, if people are choosing between Modern and Standard, as they are both so cash heavy that you probably wouldn't want to play both.
I think another difference between Standard and Modern is what type of game you want.
On the whole Modern tends to be a bit faster.
I don't understand why people wouldn't play Standard and Commander, because you get to keep using cards you like.
Although, with some really competitive playgroups, you need to buy some expensive cards like Dual Lands.
I think maybe some people are frustrated with Frontier because it can run all kinds of silly combos that are very hard to get around, like CoCo decks, Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai , and Aetherworks Marvel + Emrakul, the Promised End .
I still think it's worth playing, as you have access to a whole suite of cards that can help against those decks.