Creates infinite copies of Felidar Guardian; activate Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker's ability to create a copy of Felidar Guardian, flickering Kiki-Jiki with the Felidar's enter-the-battlefield ability and repeat.
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TheFanatic on
2Powerful | Alesha Combo
7 years ago
@cloudsol Thanks! Alesha is definitely the commander for you if you want red and recursion. She's probably the best at what she does in these colors, and the deck is really fun to play. It has plenty of card advantage and interaction to stay relevant at all stages in the game.
Also, note that I decided to put the Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combos back in the deck because it turns out that having a Buried Alive + reanimation spell instant win combo that you don't need a sacrifice outlet for is really good. You can Buried Alive finding Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Karmic Guide, and Felidar Guardian. You reanimate Karmic Guide and bring back Kiki with the ETB, then copy Karmic Guide with Kiki. You use the new Karmic Guide ETB to get back Felidar Guardian and flicker Kiki. Then, you're in a winning position with the Felidar Guardian + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combo.
Naosu on
Saheeli's American Dream
7 years ago
The deck is build to finish the game usualy on turn 5,
There 6 way to kill
Only 4 Restoration Angel is not the goal of the deck, and to much like my other deck
American Friday Night
I wanna play an other kind of combo deck based on infinite creatures. Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai give some flexibility for the archetype, this is why i think Snapcaster Mage don't have his place here