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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Thick-Skinned Goblin
Creature — Goblin Shaman
You may pay rather than pay the echo cost for permanents you control.
: Thick-Skinned Goblin gains protection from red until end of turn. ((Remember the acronym debt.) This creature can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything red. Anything red attached to this creature immediately falls off.)

Elnxida on
Cost Reduction Cards
2 months ago
I've noticed a few* omissions, namely effects that let you pay an alternate cost - which can be less than the regular cost (Zombie creaturess: Rooftop Storm) or reduced by other effects (Samurai: Kentaro, the Smiling Cat).
*Yeah, so I decided to do a proper search and it bloated into more than a "few"... Sorry for the wall of text, but here you go!
You've already got Fist of Suns and Jodah, but here are some less ubiquitous ones:
Echo: Thick-Skinned Goblin
Slowly Increasing 1/turn: As Foretold
Runes: Runeforge Champion
Fist of Suns and Jodah-like: Leyline of Mutation
Alchemy, Dragons: Sarkhan, Wanderer to Shiv
Pay life instead as Activated Ability: Marshland Bloodcaster
Alchemy, cards you don't own 1/turn: Grenzo, Crooked Jailer
From Exile 1/turn: Charred Foyer / Warped Space
Colorless 1/turn: Darksteel Monolith
Creature from exile 1/turn: Tlincalli Hunter
Conditional, Cycling: New Perspectives
Pay life instead 1/turn: Cramped Vents / Access Maze
Additionally, other regular omissions:
Flash: Cunning Nightbonder
Instants and Sorceries: Voracious Reader Flip
Creature spells: Krallenhorde Howler Flip, Honest Rutstein
One Giant: Invasion of the Giants
Target me! (auras, buffs, mutate): Spellwild Ouphe, Elderwood Scion
First Kicked: Vine Gecko
Historic: Ballad of the Black Flag
Not your turn: Geyser Drake
Aura and Equipment: Golden-Tail Trainer
Next Spell (honorable mention?): Hardened Berserker, Saheeli, the Gifted
Pay counters instead: Mutated Cultist
Dragons: Nogi, Draco-Zealot
Alchemy, Dinosaurs: Scalespeaker Shepherd (Not sure why is isn't linking, but I promise it exists)
Alchemy, from graveyard: Shellfish Scholar
Instants and Sorceries MV5+: Spectacle Mage
Prepared: Uvilda, Dean of Perfection Flip
Undaunted keyword: Durnan of the Yawning Portal
First instant/sorcery, conditional: Eluge, the Shoreless Sea, God-Eternal Kefnet
Alchemy, Goblin: Goblin Influx Array
Next instant/sorcery (honorable mention?): Maelstrom Muse
Face-down: Panoptic Projektor
Doctors: The Eleventh Hour
Cards from exile: Commander Liara Portyr
Next instant/sorcery, conditional: Elminster
Spells you don't own: Gonti, Canny Acquisitor
Alixen on
8 years ago
Impact Tremors or Purphoros, God of the Forge can easily be the death of players when you drop your commander
Basilisk Collar + Skirk Fire Marshal = death to everything not pro red and more life than you can shake a stick at Loxodon Warhammer also works. I use Keeper of Kookus and Thick-Skinned Goblin
Lifelink and Sparksmith also make for a good time.
Akki Lavarunner / Tok-Tok, Volcano Born
Empty the Warrens for additional token generation
Might want to consider War Cadence in place of Goblin War Drums (works on your opponent's turns too)
Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username on
Goblins One Shot Combo
8 years ago
you could go for Keeper of Kookus and Thick-Skinned Goblin. With protection from red, you'd be able to have them survive the damage, and ready for reuse or attacking(next turn) after the rest of the board has been cleared
SpiritKing on
Shadow Of The Colossus (infinite combo's)
8 years ago
This might be just me but...could you please explain how Thick-Skinned Goblin and Colossus of Akros combo?