Prismatic Strands

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Prismatic Strands


Prevent all damage that sources of the colour of your choice would deal this turn.

Flashback —Tap an untapped white creature you control. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)

legendofa on The Face of Immortality

2 days ago

Prismatic Strands is definitely going in, and I like your other suggestions. Tinkering and updates to come.

leovolt884_ on The Face of Immortality

2 days ago

Martyr of Sands is a really fun cleric, one of my favorite cards I've never found a place for. Prismatic Strands is an overwhelmingly powerful card and can be not only a fog but also can blow out your opponent if they try to trade with your creatures. there's do no damage, yours do damage. This is going to help get any extra damage you need through to your opponent without sacrificing your clerics, weakening Vile Deacon, in the process. Snuff Out is another overwhelmingly strong card that is in... most black decks in the meta and with infinite life is literally just a free kill spell and I think you should find a place for it mainboard. I think this deck can be very viable despite having a niche design and that's awesome. If anything, to go up against the strongest of strong pauper decks maybe cut Harsh Sustenance or some copies of Misery Charm for some multipurpose artifact and enchantment spot removal that can also be cast for value. White has a lot of these effects but really this is just a meta deckbuilding decision and just running specific removal sideboard like you're doing already is more than fine.

It breaks theme slightly but Battle Screech and Village Rites could help you with card draw and chump blocking, things your deck seems to really want. You would likely be more than fine cutting 1-2 lands even without card draw since your curve is just so low. But in reality the only recommendation I would say is super important is Prismatic Strands since you need as much protection for your combo and finishers as possible.

Overall though I really really love this deck it's just so well designed in terms of flavor and actual playability and is honestly one of my favorite pauper decks I've ever seen on here

SufferFromEDHD on Eldrazi Devastation (PDH)

7 months ago

Standard Bearer and Prismatic Strands IMO these are the best white cards in pauper. Always useful. So good they sometimes find their way into EDH decks.

SufferFromEDHD on Adanto Vanguard Wins

1 year ago

Standard Bearer unique and powerful.

Prismatic Strands also unique and really powerful.

SufferFromEDHD on Denethor, Ruling Steward PEDH

1 year ago

Prismatic Strands and Standard Bearer are really good and I would argue pauper staples.

Rancid Earth tempo/control/commander trigger

SufferFromEDHD on An Affinity For Affinity

2 years ago

Prismatic Strands one of the most powerful commons in the card pool.

Blacksmith's Skill and/or Loran's Escape more powerful utility/protection.

SteelSentry on Pattern Recognition #269 - Hidden …

2 years ago

I'd like to shout out, in the same vein as the frog, Moment's Peace and Prismatic Strands. One Fog is annoying, but if you're trying to pick your target for your cat holding 5 swords, you're probably not going to go after the guy that not only screwed up an earlier combat, but has another one locked and loaded, face up on the table.

Also, Constant Mists is back-breaking for some opponents in my Erinis, Gloom Stalker deck.

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