Hold the Line

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hold the Line


Blocking creatures get +7/+7 until end of turn.

Rhadamanthus on Can blockers be declared after …

1 year ago

An additional note to support the above answer: If the effect of a resolving one-shot spell/ability would affect the characteristics of objects (types, color, abilities, P/T etc.) then the set of objects it would affect is locked in at the time it resolves. If you cast Hold the Line before blockers are declared then there wouldn't be any "blocking creatures" on the battlefield and nothing would happen.

legendofa on Can blockers be declared after …

1 year ago

The creatures have to be declared as blockers before Hold the Line is cast. The wording that would allow future blockers to get the +7/+7 would have to be something like "Until end of combat, whenever a crearure blocks, it gets +7/+7 until end of turn."

"Blocking creatures" refers specifically to creatures that are actively blocking, not to creatures that will block in the future.

Bravet on Can blockers be declared after …

1 year ago

If blockers are declared after casting Hold the Line, will they still get +7/+7? For example if opponent A is attacking opponent B, could I cast Hold the Line so opponent B could block more confidently? Or would I have to say "trust me" and cast Hold the Line after opponent B blocks?

LINK208 on Come at me bro!

2 years ago

I used to have this guy in my old lifegain deck. Using Emeria, The Sky Ruin would be a good return-from-grave option. Congregate would be a lifegain card that I would throw in. and Hold the Line would be perfect for all those tokens, especially against opponents with Trample.

PeriodicalFits on Hit Counter

4 years ago

Hey! I love samurai and have a few tips you may like. I would probably say that adding 2 Sensei Golden-Tail and taking out a Hand of Honor and a Inner-Chamber Guard would help. Sensei is a legendary samurai but is still only a 2 cmc. On top of that, you can use it to give more bushido to other samurai, which would be helpful once you drop Takeno, Samurai General. I would also recommend that you replace Hold the Line with Righteousness. yes, righteousness only targets one blocker, and not all, but it is only a 1 cmc, and you can target just Bushi Tenderfoot  Flip to cause it to flip easier. And finally, a cheaper alternative to Angel's Grace is Worship. Or if you want to stay in the Kamigawa block for your defense, you can use the kamigawa printing of Ghostly Prison.

Hope this helps! you can check out my Long Live the Samurai Deck or my Long Live the Monarch EDH deck for some nice ideas.

DemonDragonJ on

6 years ago

Would you be willing to replace Bar the Door with Hold the Line? That card is typically superior in most situations, for only a slightly stricter casting cost.

xram666 on Arcades the new leadsinger of the Rolling Stones

6 years ago

Thanks for the upvotes.

@Homelessguy: Tree of Redemption is on my Maybeboard and I just need to aquire it. Triumph of the Hordes is a good addition for the deck. Thank you.

@MurrSheep: Aegis of the Heavens is just a placeholder in the deck, until I get something better but Hold the Line, for my opinion is too defensive. Tower Defense is much more better for this deck.

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