High-Society Hunter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Pre-release Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vintage Legal

High-Society Hunter

Creature — Vampire Noble


Whenever this attacks, you may sacrifice another creature. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.

Whenever another nontoken creature dies, draw a card.

Eloniel on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

4 months ago

I continued to dig for cards both old and news, that are not listed here but could fit:

  • Gift of Immortality : This card has lot of potential, i think this card has been glanced over because if you're not careful you don't realize it's every end step and not only yours. Even if used on a one mana afterlife 1 fodder, in a turn rotation of a 4 players game it would already have payed for itself (4 recursion of 1 mana creatures for 3 mana). In this deck it's like a better version of Ophiomancer. Others awesome targets would be Market Gnome, Ranger-Captain of Eos, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Hallowed Spiritkeeper, Kokusho, the Evening Star (for those that play it like me). Or can be used as a protection for sacrifice engine, a draw engine, a blood artist effect or Teysa. With flash or an ability to chose of make it comeback to your hand instead of attached to the creature i think it would be a no brainer.

  • Crowded Crypt : both a ramp and a payoff cards, with Teysa and a one mana afterlife 1 fodder it's already 6 corpse counter on the Crowded Crypt, a few other sacrifice and it's a winning condition. I know it's a 3 mana ramps but it's very fitting in this deck and a ramp.

  • Bartolome del Presidio: another free sacrifice engine for 2 manas, but personnally i would prefer using Warren Soultrader and Viscera Seer.

  • Reliquary Monk: An interesting removal, i almost find it better than Cathar Commando since with Teysa it's a double removal. Of course the downside are the 3 mana cost that can't be splitted over time like Cathar and flash missing.

  • Funeral Room / Awakening Hall: another blood artist effect, with a recursion ability later, but you already haven't included The Meathook Massacre. Personnally i'm almost at a point where i'm ready to remove Blood Artist since it's the last effect that target a single player instead of dealing damage to each opponents, it's only upside is that it also work with opponent creatures dying.

  • Kambal, Profiteering Mayor: It's a mix of Corpse Knight and token making. I'm not a fan of "this ability triggers only once each turn" and "one or more token" instead of "a token". Although a lot of people include it in their lists, i have mixed feeling about this card.

  • High-Society Hunter : a better Grim Haruspex since it also work for other players but still 5 manas, i would not include it.

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