Dream Thrush

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dream Thrush

Creature — Bird


Tap: Target land becomes the basic land type of your choice until end of turn.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Jeez, that's a difficult one to justify. Okay, so, based on Grixis, I can see that.

Bolas' Gnat

Creature - Insect

As an additional cost to cast Bolas' Gnat, return a Swamp you control to your hand.

Flying, First strike, Deathtouch


I think that adequately justifies Izzet Deathtouch. I can legally be played in EDH, btw bc Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, as well as Grixis Illusionist, which would certainly be reprinted along side this beauty. Dream Thrush could actually be with it in a flying matters deck. A fun card in stax, Illusionary Terrain (that plus Urborg or Blood Moon can be rather fun).

Also, Realmwright and Trait Doctoring could finally have use (I know they have some use, but this'd be another.

Can I see an uncommon black flyer or card which grants flying?

goldlion on

6 years ago

Oh man, I just saw the art for Aven Brigadier . Such a winner! And Commander Eesha is incredible! Crookclaw Elder and Gustcloak Savior are sweet value too. Bird Tribal has some fun value.

In terms of mana, some other ideas are Dreamscape Artist .... he alllllmost counts as a bird? Technically he does, he's a shapeshifter, but maybe not a flavour win, haha. Probably not good enough. Also, I'd say Paradise Mantle which has a flavour win as it's off the Birds of Paradise idea and, even if only in imagery, gives "wings" (see picture) ;). I was going to recommend Dream Thrush over a signet if you had one, for fixing mana on theme, but you don't have one.

I really like Opt , Brainstorm , and Ponder in my blue decks cause they help me make sure I hit my landrops, or later on get me the cards I need (or skip the cards I don't need). In this awesome bird theme your building up, I think Augury Owl is a great way to fill that niche. Brilliant, in my own mind :). Aven Fateshaper does that too, but he's a little more pricey... except, when he comes out he can keep doing it for ! Awesome.

If you ever find that infinite combo, Apex Hawks might be good in here!

Cloudchaser Eagle is almost like bird tribals very own Acidic Slime ... note quite, but almost. I see you got Kestrel in there, his cheaper counter part (though I guess classified "equal" as kestrel requires two vs. the extra for eagle.

If your playgroup combos off, goes Voltron, or has some crazy creatures that end games, Aven Augur seems like cool utility. If you playgroup is just "good times" though, I do think you should put in Carnivorous Death-Parrot for fun or Cardpecker ;). My playgroup allows 1 unhinged type card, unless it's absolutely broken.

It's too bad Aven Warhawk is so pricey, or else his effect would be great!

This would be fun to play, I can tell. Nice work! So cool to see a tribe with such a tool box.

K34 on Favorite Artwork?

7 years ago

Dream Thrush, Primoc Escapee, and the new art for Vampiric Tutor

K34 on Fade to black

8 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, you have room for another card in here. Dromar's in your command zone and the 99. Dropping him from the 99 frees up a spot for one of those dope Dream Thrushes that are so sexy.

K34 on List of Interesting cards some may have forgotten

9 years ago

I think Dream Thrush's effect is one of the most interesting I've seen. It has always been a personal favorite. Sea Snidd and Reef Shaman have the same ability, but I just love the art on Dream Thrush.

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