Help me brainstorm!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 15, 2011, 2:51 a.m. by metalmagic

Well guys, I REALLY loved my deck, The Eldest, while it was in standard. This is due to the fact that Spikeshot Elder is one of my favorite cards ever, and I really want to find a great way to incorporate him into a deck that is powerful and consistent.

My thoughts so far on how to buff him are as follows:

As it stands, I currently like the idea of a Wolf Run deck with him in it. I could slap a few Batterskull in the deck and really make it a beating. A tribal version might not be too bad, either. What are your thoughts on how to proceed?

Miasma says... #2

Well upon immediate speculation, I don't think Kessig Wolf Run will help too much with him, because you will be putting all your mana into pumping him, and it inversely affects your ability to activate his ability. I also don't think Contested War Zone could help too much, as you lose 2 mana activating it. A simple Signal Pest would work, I believe. If you were to go with a "Battle-Cry" route, maybe you could make it naya colors? Green for ramp, (to get as much use of the Elder as possible) Red for, well, the elder and other goblins, and White for some good old pump. Hero of Bladehold is an AMAZING creature for this, and can be the win con on its own. I really like the idea of Mutagenic Growth . Free pump goes a long way with the elder.

Overall, It seems that the elder won't do as much as he did last standard, but still has lots of support. I hope some of my opinions helps!

December 15, 2011 8:36 a.m.

OmegaSerris says... #3

I've got a Standard deck that abuses him pretty regularly: B/R Cursed Spikeshot

Necrotic Ooze is something people don't instantly think of. I play my Elders early to get them killed then clean up with the Ooze (1RR: Deal 4 damage). Should they NOT use their removal on him right away, Curse of Stalked Prey makes him a win con in roughly 3 turns.

Something else I was thinking about was a Mono-R Burn or U/R Counter-Burn with Elders and card:Runechanter's Pike. An X/1 with First Strike makes a hell of a wall, plus the obvious boost to his ability.

December 15, 2011 8:52 a.m.

KorApprentice says... #4

December 15, 2011 10:38 a.m.

KorApprentice says... #5

I know it doesn't pump, but it keeps him alive

December 15, 2011 11:34 a.m.

Miasma says... #6

@OmegaSerris - i really like your card:Runechanter's Pike idea. Enough for me to make a deck using it! It's...

Mind Your Elder's

Please look at it, and tell me what you think.

December 15, 2011 1:34 p.m.

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