
Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

This is my favorite Standard deck I've built so far. Utilizing two of my favorite cards of the set Aberrant Researcher   and Inexorable Blob. It can get pretty mean, real quick. On average hitting Delirium on turn three or four.

Creature Breakdown

Aberrant Researcher  : Self mill Delirium enabler/Flying/Bomb? Yes please.

Inexorable Blob: Multiple copies of this card attacking at once makes it very fun to watch your opponents face.

Moldgraf Scavenger: Excellent wall early game, great aggro mid.

Soul Swallower: Game finisher. Can get out of hand real fast.

Wild-Field Scarecrow: Land fetcher but its primary use is getting two card types in the yard.

Sorcery Breakdown

Nagging Thoughts: Delirium fixer. Take what you want for your hand or place what you need in the yard. Or sometimes even both!

Traverse the Ulvenwald: Quick card to get a sorcery in the graveyard. With delirium, great utility to get that creature you need.

Instant Breakdown

Catalog: Card draw and Delirium fix.

Corpse Churn: Delirium fix and creature revival. Sometimes I'll use it just hoping to mill into a creature I need.

Ultimate Price: Cheap removal.

Enchantment Breakdown

Autumnal Gloom  : Delirium enabler/Big creature

Sinister Concoction: IMO one of the best removals in the game. Set it out and let it sit there, making your opponent sweat and second guess what they're going to play and when they're going to play it. Also used to fix that Delirium!

Vessel of Nascency: The ultimate at fixing that Delirium. I'd say easily 60% of the time I can get delirium off of one of these.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WR
Splash colors UB

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Ooze 3/3 G
Folders My Wishlist, ideas, decks i want to build, Budget intro
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