Rift Ramp

Modern mana191


Wanted: Snapcaster Mage —Nov. 21, 2012

I have not jumped on the Snapcaster bandwagon. Call me old fashioned, but I like making successful decks (at least locally) with cards that are quite readily available. I do usually buy 1 or 2 boxes of the new debuting set, but for Innistraad, I had not started that trend. I simply opted to not do so. Instead I did FNM solely.

I did well and got prizes for packs, BUT not a single Snapcaster Mage. The card simply eluded me and now it is out of print. We had several prominent magic players who have moved on to different states/countries and of course, they were the ones who hoarded their mages in Conclave binders.

If I were to play this deck semi-professionally, ol Snapcaster would be in and the Ranger's Path would be out. 3x Snapcasters! Does not sound too bad, huh?

Except this land is dry (yes, this is South East Arizona, but that is besides the point) and the Mage Cup is empty. The same is with Geist of Saint Traft and other combo/control staples ((Bonfire of the Damned...echo)).

In the perfect world, I'd simply throw them in there and enjoy Flashing in much needed spells. (heck even in play testing, throwing an extra Farseek to the wind wasn't too bad). I'd get more card draw, more board wipes and well.. just more.

In the end, for this deck, I look forward to Simic being added into it so my Breeding Pools from ye old archives can be added in legally and to see what cleverness will be in their keyword.

MikeWalter says... #1

+1'd the deck. It looks really good. What convinced you not to run a full set of Thragtusks?

November 13, 2012 4:08 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #2

I have been seeing good results in comboing Seance with these creatures as well as utilizing Forbidden Alchemy . All of these creatures have ETB effects that can be capitalized on by Seance

I took it a step farther though and threw in Cackling Counterpart and Clone to maximize my "mythic/rare' production.

Check this out: Seance anyone? I'm not using Farseek like you are but i run Gatecreeper Vine for fixing as well as a quick defender vs aggro

November 13, 2012 4:37 p.m.

mana191 says... #3

@MikeWalter I currently only have the 3 Thragtusks and if I did have a four of, I'd probably drop an Armada Wurm for it. Life sustains! (win cons are usually the flyers, although 10 damage walked through via Wurm did happen (wiped their board at the end of their turn with a Rift, attack and then let them play blockers and let my angel grab them, for two attack wins)

@harrydemon117 I'm not entirely sure how Seance could benefit this build. Gatecreeper Vine + Seance / Resto Angel can deck thin very well though, I will admit. Seance with Thrag does net me a permanent 3/3 and Armada will net me a permanent 5/5... at least till a board wipe.

November 13, 2012 6:52 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #4

Seance + Forbidden Alchemy allows you to get these ETB creatures out faster. If you are fortunate enough to untap with Seance active, an Angel of Serenity in the graveyard, and a Cackling Counterpart in hand you can basically board wipe your opponent with triggers on the stack (same as Cloudshift type stacks)....this is using my build however and not yours.

You said you were considering Deadeye Navigator and HE is awesome when "animated" by Seance as you don't have the downside of having to cast him first and you can "blink" a Thragtusk or Armada Wurm on your opponent's turn

November 14, 2012 8:57 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #5

Another idea I've been contemplating with Seance is using the populate mechanic (i.e. Rootborn Defenses or card:Druid's Deliverance)

November 14, 2012 8:59 a.m.

mana191 says... #6

@harrydemon117 Yeah someone tried that out recently. Dropped an Armada Wurm, brought it back with Seance and populated with Trostani.. 20 life gain.. it was rediculous in a can.

November 14, 2012 4:11 p.m.