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Commander / EDH* XxHazard001xX


Triggered Abilities and Artifacts —Jan. 21, 2016

After some tinkering I came to the conclusion that I needed a way to stop triggered and activated abilities such as Reclamation Sage/Acidic Slime or in the case of Arcum Daggson Spine of Ish Sah that were causing me major grief when I cheated Omniscience into play.

To deal with this issue, I added in the following cards:

Stifle over Phyrexian Metamorph He was not doing enough to keep his place

Kolaghan's Command over Mind's Desire This card was dead half the time I drew it, and it is really not a win condition because if I have Omniscience or Dream Halls out, it really just wastes space.

Rhystic Study over Teferi's Puzzle Box this card is amazing, but it messes up my hand more than it actually draws me a win condition so I decided to bring back Rhystic Study that way I don't lose card draw.

Trickbind over Chain of Vapor this card was added in to respond and deal with triggered abilities that were targeting my Omniscience or Leyline of the Void so instead of bouncing my win-con I'll just deal with the ability itself.