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Medium Red: The Charmeleon

Standard Aggro BRGW Mono-Red Red Deck Wins



Instant (3)

Creature (3)

Your basic mono-red devotion deck. Its got its minor quirks to it, but its modeled after every other RDW you see nowadays.

Variations Include:Big Red: The Charizard (Medium Red Variant)

Small Red: The Chamander (Medium Red Variant)


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Round 1: Junk Midrange game 1: I played a quick madcap skills on a cackler and got in with some early damage, then finished him off with a phoenix game 2: he locked my board up with Loxodon Smiters and Desecration Demons, two cards that are really hard for me to deal with. ended up losing game two game 3: I once again got in with some early damage, but this time he stabilized his board at 5 life. I sat there with two Fanatic of Mogis in my hand and three mountains in play for about 4-5 turns with plenty on the field. I finally drew a Magma Jet, bashed my Boros Reckoner into his wall of creatures, and jetted him for game. 2-1

Round 2: Azorius Control Game 1: My opponent informed after this game that I misplayed by focusing his Jace down, but he also informed me that he misplayed by putting Jace down instead of Elspeth. Sloppy game. My loss Game 2: He had all the answers for me, stabilized at 3 life, and won with beefy Elspeth tokens. 0-2

Round 3: Naya Midrange Game 1: Madcap skills got there again. The combo of Turn 1 Cackler, Turn 2 Burning-Tree into Madcap Skills on Cackler for 5 is highly underrated, and also one of my favorite things to do. Game 2: Madcapped a Cackler again. This time he knew he had to take it out quickly, so he double blocked with a couple of mana elves, but unfortunately drew no more land. And scooped by turn 4. 2-0

Round 4: Rakdos Aggro Game 1: I kept a hand with 5 land, my singleton Stormbreath, and a Fanatic. It almost paid off, but not quite. Game 2: As these games went on, I started to realize that the winner would be decided by who has the Madcap Skills first, and who has the burn to deal with it. I had the burn, and I had the Skills Game 3: He kept a two land hand, which proved to be a terrible idea because I kept a hand with Peak Eruption. So, you know.... One land didn't quite cut it because Madcap Skills costs 2.

Since there were only 14 people at this FNM, the shop owner decided to do a top 4, so I asked him, before reporting the last round, what my chances of making it were. After looking at the results, he informed that I'd come in at 5th. I had been chatting with my last opponent, and he talked about how he's trying to get enough planeswalker points to go to a grand prix in December. I decided that since that win literally didn't matter for me, I conceded it to him, since he could use the extra points, and neither of us were going to make top.

Officially: 2-2 Technically: 3-1

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 6 Rares

18 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.20
Folders Otros
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