Disciple of the NecroDancer

Casual* LordJello


Updated with Origin. Cut white out —July 13, 2015

CurtainSnatch says... #1

I would definately recommend -1 Silumgar's Scorn and +1 Ojutai's Command - You have too few dragons to reliably trigger the effect, and card draw is incredibly powerful. Versatility is exactly what you need in a control deck like this.

In terms of versatility, I would recommend Silumgar's Command - a two-for-one which allows you manipulate your opponent's board state is exactly what you want.

Also, no Dig Through Time? None? At all? 3 Treasure Cruise, but not a single Dig Through Time? Being able to basicaly tutor whatever you need from your deck at instant speed for 2 mana is more than silly; it's absurd. Instant speed card draw is perfect for this deck - I would recommend Dig Through Time and Jace's Ingenuity over cards like Treasure Cruise any day.

March 18, 2015 5:31 p.m.

TheGreatLiar says... #2

I agree with CurtainSnatch that Dig Through Time is far better than treasure cruise in this deck. Instant speed is mandatory in control when you can manage it.

I like silumgar's scorn as you have it, though. It's not a weak counterspell. It's a two mana force spike with serious upside. It's also an incredible way to keep the board clear until turn 3.

Monastery siege isn't doing you any real favors here. It's cute, but it takes up your third turn, and leaves you unable to cast a pivotal dissolve or downfall.

I'm working on something pretty similar if you'd like to check it out. The New Esper Control. Let me know what you think if you have time.

March 18, 2015 8:11 p.m.

TheGreatLiar says... #3

Oh, and add Hero's Downfall. Best spot removal in the game right now.

March 18, 2015 8:12 p.m.

LordJello says... #4

Alright, I'll budge.

I added 3x Dig Through Time. It is kind of like Anticipate on steroids!

I agree that the Siege is not so great on turn 3. Tapping out for something that does nothing when it comes in.

Maybe I won't need it with Dig.

I'll goldfish a bunch today and update my description accordingly.

Thanks to both of you for the suggestions.

March 19, 2015 10:16 a.m.

schademan21 says... #5

I feel like Jace, the Living Guildpact is something you should remove and add in better cards. And those better cards include (but is not limited to): Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and/or Narset Transcendent.

Also, I know that the mana base for Esper is kinda bad, but I'd seriously suggest going to 25 lands vs 24 as you sit right now. And your land choices could be better. I can see why you'd run the Haven of the Spirit Dragon, but what you should run instead is Crucible of the Spirit Dragon because you could essentially add up counters on it and then basically play a dragon for free eventually.

All in all, +1 and check out my deck if you want for any other ideas . It is called Esper Control DTK.

March 24, 2015 11:37 p.m.

LordJello says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions schademan21!

I understand your suggestion of Narset over Jace. Budget is iffy at this time and I'm not sure if I can afford them.

Could you explain why you suggest Ugin and Elspeth for the deck? When I goldfish it, the deck functions well by limiting the board state turns 1-3, then filtering through the deck to find more answers and win-cons. Jace and Narset both accomplish this.

As for Crucible vs Haven: I like the Haven for its ability to recur my win cons should they get milled/discarded/killed.

Crucible's ability to play a dragon for free, eventually, is pretty boss. I could stand to play test with it for sure. If anything I could play Ojutai for 3 and hold mana up for a counter/kill.

Thanks for the comment, I'll be sure to check out your deck.

March 30, 2015 12:32 p.m.

TheGreatLiar says... #7

I don't think jace is worth it. You get plenty of card selection from anticipate and dig, both of which have a more immediate impact. I would drop both copies and replace them with 2 more downfalls. 4 downfall mainboard is pretty standard for U/B control, and this is essentially U/B control splashing white.

March 30, 2015 4 p.m.

Palkyon says... #8

2 Narset Transcendent over Silumgar's command. Definitely 26 lands. 3 Anticipate and 4 Dig Through Time or keep it and add a Murderous Cut. Could use some more gain lands for fixing. I suggest Evolving Wilds too.

April 4, 2015 11:03 p.m.