Black Devotion Aristocrats

Modern Sergal


gonki says... #1

I feel like half this deck was designed to avenge you against my angels and it turned out it works really well against other things too.

February 12, 2016 9:16 a.m.

Sergal says... #2

gonki, pretty much. This is what i got now. It went 3-1 on wednesday at Stomping Grounds. I got some help from the workers there on construction, and they even gave me a free urborg. It does so much better now.

February 12, 2016 10:08 a.m.

cardiner says... #3

I love it. i Have tried similar things altho mine is at much lower price. Will have to post in some time :)

February 15, 2016 1:56 p.m.

Sergal says... #4

Cool, thanks for the upvote!

February 15, 2016 1:57 p.m.

cardiner says... #5

Have you ever tried to poot in Squelching Leeches or Crowd of Cinders

February 15, 2016 2:31 p.m.

Sergal says... #6

Both of them are really prone to to removal and too slow to justify it. The thing about most of the creatures in here is that they either recur or they are are aristocrats, aside from fume spitter. Those two dont provide any synergy with any of the cards in here either. Thanks for the suggestion though.

February 16, 2016 7:44 a.m.

Tethys says... #7

The only real problem I see with this is how unlikely it is that you are going to be able to create Abhorrent Overlord while running only 20 land.

Other than that, nice job! +1

February 16, 2016 12:53 p.m.

Sergal says... #8

Tethys, hes only a one of because of the fact that he is a 7 drop, but nykthos makes it playable on turn 4 when i have a geralfs messenger and some other little crap accompanied by other lands. I have dropped him on turn 3 but only because my fume spitter got path to exiled. I rarely see him anyway, but i have had my promo of him since prerelease and wanted him in here because he resembles both black devotion and he is an aristocrat. Hes flavorful for the deck.

February 16, 2016 12:59 p.m.

Wee_Dragonaut says... #9

Want to be a jerk? Run Phyrexian Obliterator. A slightly more affordable card is Ghastlord of Fugue. Whenever I play the Ghastlord, I win unless an opponent wastes a kill spell on it.

February 16, 2016 3:32 p.m.

Sergal says... #10

I am actually in the process of obtaining 2 obliterators. 4 is unnecessary to me.

February 16, 2016 3:35 p.m.
February 16, 2016 8:46 p.m.

Sergal says... #12

This isnt normal black devotion. It is structured around the concept of aristocrat decks with the mana ramp from nykthos from the devotion to black making it easy to swarm the board and recur more creatures. Normal black devotion that card wrecks, but not here. It is too slow and doesnt have synergy with sacking or recurring. Thanks for the feedback though Guildsofravnica

February 16, 2016 8:55 p.m.

okay, sorry.

February 16, 2016 8:59 p.m.

Sergal says... #14

No man, dont apologize. That card is awesome, and I always appreciate feedback.

February 16, 2016 9:37 p.m.

Solid deck! Instead of Zulaport Cutthroat, you're going to want Blood Artist since it triggers on your opponent's creatures as well. Instead of Abhorrent Overlord, I think you want Gray Merchant of Asphodel; that card is scary. Finally, instead of Read the Bones, in a perfect world you'd play Dark Confidant, but he's expensive so Phyrexian Arena is a fine replacement since it builds a lot of card advantage over time, which better in the matchups where it matters.

Good luck! I'm starting to love your decks.

February 17, 2016 10:12 a.m.

Sergal says... #16

Hey thanks man! I actually only play overlord because of the flavor of him in ths deck, and the fact that i got a foil promo of him from prerelease. He resembles black devotion and aristocrats in one, and drops a ton of tokens when he hits the board. I like read the bones because it digs four cards deep potentially. For an aggro deck, a 3 drop enchantment is really a waste. As far as gary goes, for regular black devotion, that card is a bomb shell, but since im not running any enchantments or planeswalkers that add to the devotion, he gets to be a 2/4 five drop with a shock attatched to him at times. If this deck was more structured to keep creatures ON the board he would wreck, but the idea would be to sacc them to nantuko husk, making him huge, and then bring them back. Thanks for the support though. I have been working on this deck for a looooong time. It may seam like it is something that anyone couldve thrown together, but it started as a tabletop deck playing alot of 6-7 drops. It has come along way. My goal was to brew something that will consistently destroy my opponents, but it has to be something that they cant handle at the same time, and this is where it brought me.

February 17, 2016 10:27 a.m.

michael3.14 says... #17

If you're not worried about price, Phyrexian Obliterator really packs a punch and ups your devotion. I like the idea a lot!

February 17, 2016 11:33 a.m.

Sergal says... #18

yea man, im I the process of getting 2. they are going to replace the despoiler of souls

February 17, 2016 11:50 a.m.

Felixlives says... #19

no grey merch crazy... figured that guy would be one of your finishing moves. also I second phyrexian obliterator that card is a power house.

February 19, 2016 5:56 p.m.

lindo1905 says... #20

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet almost works.

February 22, 2016 11:31 a.m.

Sergal says... #21

i was considering kalitas, actually. I don't actually own one, but if I stumble upon one, she will go in in replacement of 1 geralf's messenger. I don't know how I feel about buying one, because it doesn't hugely impact the deck. thanks though man!

February 22, 2016 11:50 a.m.

Imoxator says... #22

If you were to add more Undying creatures, then Retribution of the Ancients is a great way to get those +1/+1 counters off of your guys while removing your opponent's creatures.

February 22, 2016 12:37 p.m.

Sergal says... #23

that would require too many changes to the deck.

February 22, 2016 12:51 p.m.

Imoxator says... #24

It would add for several changes, and after reviewing my suggestion, there are not many good Undying cards worth adding without Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. And adding Mikaeus calls for a completely different playstyle, something you don't want to do.

February 22, 2016 1:06 p.m.

Great deck! I've been playing it and enjoying it. One question though. I built this without nykthos shrines and urborg and it seems to run very well with consistent mana. Is there a point to really add the nykthos since you won't really be relying on devotion? I am not motivated to add them to the deck quite yet since I don't feel like it would help at all.

February 23, 2016 9:56 p.m.

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