
Casual Keos027


Color Change —June 9, 2016

It rotated out of Standard, but I kind of miss playing this deck. But I think I will drop the symbole and switch for some Blue!

Secret Plans will be part of the deck, will make my morph cards survive those fucking -2/-2 to every non elf that my friend was playing against me

Icefeather Aven and Sagu Mauler are interesting options, though the latter might not make the cut as I already have a bunch of expensive creatures. Though I see it while Salt Road Ambushers is on board being MPVs. Also, let's note Icefeather is a flyer, kind of a weakness of this deck.

Kheru Spellcaster, Mistfire Weaver and Stratus Dancer are quite interesting as well. Finaly, Qarsi Deceiver could help casting and Morphing.

For now I'm just brainstorming, I will need to have a deeper look later, see how many I'd want to each and see if other things need to be re-balanced.

Keos027 says... #1

The idea for this deck started when I first got a Deathmist Raptor and a Den Protector in my fat pack when I started playing Magic for the first time. I later participated in a few drafts, I discovered Temur War Shaman and Temur Sabertooth and it kind of became clear.

I later found that I could take advantage of the Foe-Razer Regent and be able to infinitly (almost) the abilities of the various Morph/Megamorph creatures I put in the deck.

Right now, the deck is using cards, but I'm thinking about switching it into a fully one and probably get some Stampeding Elk Herd to take advantage of trample. But I really wanted to use the few Silumgar Assassin I had.

A bit more about the deck. I put a few mana acceleration (seriously, are doing an excellent job to get you two morphed creatures each turn. This let you use all your mana to flip your creatures right in the face of your opponent. It's a really fun deck as it is quite dynamic since you morph/fight a lot. The deck as a great weakness against flying, that's why I got the Aeries, that I usually put directly in play. Coat with Venom+fight help clearing those damn flyers.

I put a Shaman of Forgotten Ways for mana acceleration but I might remove it and replace it with one more whisperers. though one more Obscuring AEther would not be a bad thing either.

I'm still pretty new to the world of MTG and any feedbacks is appreciated.

August 20, 2015 8:48 p.m.