Amazing Spiral

The Rotunda Mall, 711 W. 40th Street Baltimore Md

Weekly Events


9 dollar entry fee, thrown by the owners of the shop. The prize pool is cut from one box. Winner got 10 packs. I got 6.

Mortlocke says... #1

For all who actually consider themselves still part of the Amazing spiral community I made a new page - here Please join and add your voice!

May 10, 2020 10:45 a.m.

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Mizzix's Counting House

Commander / EDH* Lutris


A year ago, I decided against running Mystical Tutor. Now, I'm adding it back in. I want to power up the deck, and a card which can find answers, or my wincon, is a card I want to have. It replaces Fall of the Titans.

Also, Lightning Greaves are back …

6 years ago

<Expletive Deleted>

Commander / EDH* Lutris


I think this can be a powerful deck. It needs some tweaks, and the first is to improve the mana base. To that end, I am adding a land and 2 mana rocks.

In: Path of Ancestry, Chromatic Lantern, Mind Stone (although a Fellwar Stone might be better), Price of …

7 years ago

Scum and Villainy

Commander / EDH* Lutris


I only played one game, and while it never was winning, it was still strong enough to be a threat/nuisance to the other players. It didn't save me though. This deck is fun and flavorful, but not very powerful, I realize this deck probably needs a couple things: Some counter …

7 years ago


Commander / EDH* Lutris

SCORE: 1 | 242 VIEWS

Played 2 games today in four person pods. Won each time! Also, in each game I missed my second land drop, but had enough mana rocks and ramp in hand to play stuff out.

Game 1: Vs Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper, Zirilan of the Claw, Atraxa, Praetors' Voice

Had an …

7 years ago

Gobble gobble gobble

Standard* Lutris


Went 3-0-1 at my LGS, and the draw was round 4 with the other 3-0 player. I went in worried that the deck might not get there, but then it got there double time.

A lot of the time I was siding out Purphoros for Searing Blood, just to have …

9 years ago

Three Masters

Standard Lutris


Went 1-2 at Amazing Spiral. Came away with a better sense of the deck's weaknesses after being beaten by a RU aggro artifact deck, and then a Sidisi Whip deck. I need to have responses to things (like artifacts) after they are in play. To this end, added Shatter to …

10 years ago

Three Masters

Standard Lutris


Went 2-1 at standard night at Amazing Spiral.
1st match - Vs mono-black 0-2. Never got the land or spells I hoped for. Ran out of gas and got curb stomped. 2nd match - Vs mono-white 2-1.
3rd match - Vs Abzan....something. Self-mill, sort of. 2-1. Getting answers, having land, …

10 years ago

Master of the Forge

Standard* Lutris


Played 2 rounds, was thoroughly trounced each time. Need to retool.

10 years ago

So I Heard You Like Tokens

Standard seeemwhykay

SCORE: 8 | 13 COMMENTS | 4181 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 04/05

I got a bye first round.

Round two I played against Jund control. I was on the play. Game one, I curved out perfectly with an Appetite for Brains hitting his Olivia Voldaren. With nothing significant to play until a Thragtusk turn four, my spirit tokens topped off with a …

11 years ago