new legacy player that wants to play a U/W stoneforge deck
Legacy forum
Posted on May 11, 2015, 2:18 a.m. by seuvius
the title says it all! i am normally a modern player and i still enjoy it but after building a few modern decks i wanted my next project to be legacy U/W stonforge. I am aware that it is not a cheap deck to build and i honestly dont have much of an understanding of legacy. what should i know when building this deck other then the obvious fact that legacy is faster and more complex than modern?
Hjaltrohir says... #3
May 11, 2015 2:48 a.m.
from what ive seen azorious seems more consistent,though i could be completely wrong. plus im sure adding more colors drives up the price and its already very pricey.
May 11, 2015 3:40 a.m.
what do you think of this?
May 11, 2015 3:50 a.m.
I originally went Deathblade when I started legacy. Now, deathblade and stoneblade are different decks (deathblade is midrange and stoneblade is more controlling), but they are very similar. I... couldn't stand the deck, to be honest. It was just too much of a fair deck for the format, in my opinion. Granted, it is the best of the "fair decks" such as merfolk and death and taxes, but those decks are tier 2. Death/Stoneblade could be considered tier 1, but it's definitely the hardest of the tier 1 decks to use, and as such, at the bottom of the tier 1 ladder.
I quickly sold/traded the deck for a different one, but my experience with that and my friends Esper Stoneblade list which i've borrowed is this: the deck is absolutely unforgiving. Now, the legacy format itself is pretty unforgiving, but this deck is especially hard to navigate. You cannot make an error. Not one. If you do, and your opponent is at all competent with their deck, you've lost. End of story, no coming back. This seems like an exaggeration, but it is not. On top of that, you need to constantly predict the metagame and tweak your list. Stoneblade is one of the most customize-able decks in the format, and it's success in a tournament really depends on how well the deck is tuned to take advantage of the current meta.
My two bits of advice to anyone trying to start legacy is to watch the SCG Opens and Pro Tour videos to get an idea of how the different decks in the format work. Then proxy up five or six of them, and have your friends rotate them around so you can get a feel for the different decks. You might find that you absolutely hate Stoneblade due to it's nature, or you might love that it's one of the most customize-able decks in the format.
If you love it and are willing to drop the $2,500 on it, great. But you've gotta play a few dozen games against at least some of the other most popular decks before you start collecting it.
I'd recommend proxying up Show n' Tell, Combo Elves, Bug Delver, Rug Delver, Miracles, Esper Deathblade, Esper/Azorius/Jeskai Stoneblade, Lands (a control deck), Shardless Bug and maybe even Tendrils Storm or Imperial Painter. They all play extremely differently and all are very good decks.
Show n' Tell, Elves, Miracles, Bug/Rug Delver, and Deathblade are all tier 1 I believe.
May 11, 2015 3:59 a.m.
Needs True-Name Nemesis and Karakas
Extra colours do bring up price but they provide much needed cards.
Red provides bolt, wear and tear, blood moon, etc.
May 11, 2015 3:59 a.m.
yeah im doing some testing and i am not liking the Spellstutter Sprites they dont seem to be as effective as i hoped and i should probably change the Mutavaults out for other lands.
May 11, 2015 4:21 a.m.
I updated it to make it jeskai so I could run Lightning Bolts!. and I have been testing stoneblade decks on forge and I have to say you are right,the deck is extremely unforgiving but I decided I want to build it for more if a challenge for myself.
May 11, 2015 4:41 a.m.
FreddyFlash311 says... #12
You could use more fetches. Nine to ten fetches is ideal. You use them just as much for the shuffle effect as you do for mana.
Try Ponder. It's great, and it can be a shuffle effect if you need it. Being able to shuffle after a Brainstorm really is that big (there's probably articles on just brainstorming). Plus it's another blue card to pitch to Force of Will. In general, if you're running FoW you want to try and maximize the number of slots dedicated to blue cards- you don't intend to have five mana open to cast it in the early game where you're more likely to lose to a combo deck.
May 11, 2015 7:51 a.m.
UW stoneblade is a fun deck, you can play dig through time & snapcaster along with Counterspell, but dont forget Wasteland also a good option not running red, and playing a lot of basics is Back to Basics not as good as BloodMoon in some cases but it is still very effective especially against decks that might be playing red and would be able to use mountains anyway
May 11, 2015 8:42 a.m.
slovakattack says... #14
fluffybunnypants may be able to help you here. He's pretty with it where Legacy metastuffs is concerned.
May 11, 2015 10:51 a.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #15
U/W Stoneblade?
This is what I think a good UW Stoneblade list currently looks like in the current meta. It's not straight up U/W, but lets face it, Red Blast is basically necessary to deal with OmniShow decks and who doesn't want to play bolt?
May 11, 2015 11:13 a.m.
Thank you guys :) I've honestly learned alot about the deck just through this thread
seuvius says... #2
oh and aside from Stoneforge Mystic,Jace, the Mindsculptor,and the lands what are the other big pricey cards i will need?
May 11, 2015 2:21 a.m.