Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

Commander / EDH Forkbeard

SCORE: 238 | 321 COMMENTS | 67196 VIEWS | IN 147 FOLDERS

Torching the comments —Sept. 25, 2015

Cleaning house again. A mighty thanks to all who have shared their comments + ideas.

I'm going to give Domri Rade a shot in here and see how that goes.

Forkbeard says... #1

That's just it xcn. dendrobatid had me thinking about it...Sure, the lack of card draw hadn't been an issue per se, but dammit it would be nice! Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker got the cut and so far no regrets - I'll just be drawing into the creatures I need.

April 7, 2015 5:33 p.m.

griffstick says... #2

Just thinking outside the box here but since you have a card draw problem why not make everyone elses problem too. Maybe theres ways to empty the opponents hands. But on the greater good discussion, i put some thought into it and i like the idea. The instant free sac into card draw is good in combat situations. I say add it, cause between board wipes, creature disabling enchantments, and spot removals. You can sac in response. i dont know if this helps but Food Chain could be a good sac outlet

April 7, 2015 6:41 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #3

Food Chain could be useful, good idea. That art though, haha.

April 7, 2015 7:01 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #4

For draw, what about wheel effects? Or something like Soul of the Harvest or Courser of Kruphix to at least filter draws.

April 9, 2015 5:24 p.m.

griffstick says... #5

April 9, 2015 6:23 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #6

I'm actually not overly concerned about card draw. As I mentioned above, it's a fairly mana intensive deck so it's pretty darn rare that I'm sitting there with no cards in hand. The symmetry of Greater Good was just too sweet to pass up.

I think I'd throw in the superior Oracle of Mul Daya if I were looking to add that effect.

April 9, 2015 7:38 p.m.

Jakael10 says... #7

I would want Homeward Path, getting big dragon then having blue player steal it sucks...

May 7, 2015 7:30 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #8

Ha, good call Jakael10. You'd think I would've learned my lesson after someone stole Sliver Overlord from me...and then proceeded to steal my sliver army with it's ability.

Moral of the story = Homeward Path

May 8, 2015 12:38 a.m.

Flameshadow Conjuring would be a good way to double your threats, particularly ETB effects like on Thundermaw Hellkite. Really nice build, +1 for sure

July 21, 2015 7:07 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #10

Flameshadow Conjuring is definitely on theme + on my shortlist of Origins singles to pick up. Good call Jimmy_Chinchila, thanks man.

July 21, 2015 7:33 p.m.

griffstick says... #11

I love Flameshadow Conjuring. I like that you can constantly apply pressure on the opponents without turning your creatures sidways. Except for the hastey guy

July 21, 2015 7:47 p.m.

My pleasure! Really is a cool deck. Foe-Razer Regent could be good to use fighting as removal, would pair well with Flameshadow Conjuring and Frontier Siege on dragon setting. He's kinda clunky though

July 21, 2015 8:02 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #14

I've considered Foe-Razer Regent but ultimately just don't find him viable at a costly . So yeah, definitely on the clunky side! I appreciate the suggestion though, cheers.

August 8, 2015 3:12 p.m.