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I call "Arson"



First off the name, thanks to the quote on Goblin Chieftain I call arson ("...and arson is our call to war.") [M10 and M11 only]

This deck is based around getting out weakling one drops turns one, two, and three, and by turn 4, either smashing face with a win, or just obliterating the field...then while you quickly slap down more one drops, they try and recover their field...

Lords of this deck include: Goblin Chieftain , Krenko, Mob Boss, Goblin Wardriver , and Spikeshot Elder


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Izzet Delver: 2-0 (the burn versus burn style was difficult, since izzet delver has a counter style, but I out hoarded the deck in the end of both rounds)

B/W Spirits: 2-1 (the spirits are not as counter based at all, and since both decks are hoard decks it really came out to what was faster, which came to the goblins)

Allies: 1-2 (allies are not standard, but I wanted to see, as allies are hoard based already, what could really power up fastest, and the allies whupped the goblins asses)

Artifact Illusions: 1-2 (well, the first game went amazing, my brother really got the illsuions to a good start but the goblins over hoarded them, but after that, once the artifact illusion deck gets out a turn 4 wurmcoil....every game....and in the third game twice...almost anything would die)

these were real games (not online, but on paper or proxied cards instead) between my brother and I...spent a couple hours being bored :P


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.44
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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