Cibulek says... #1

I think 33 lands is not enough, with your build i would go to 39 at least. I'm running much more aggresive version with lower curve and still have 36. You can check it out for some more ideas.. Boros Partners

November 1, 2017 9:41 a.m.

Ocelot44 says... #2

Since you're already running Inspiring Statuary, you could run Howling Mine for a neat little wombo-combo

I've also found that Leave / Chance is a sweet Boros Charm/Brand/Wheel of Fortune effect

November 1, 2017 11:28 a.m.

XEYeti says... #3

Cibulek: Yeah, I need to work a few more lands into the deck. I took a look at your deck and found a few lands I'll be adding to this one.

Ocelot44: That Inspiring Statuary/Howling Mine trick sounds like too much fun. I'll definitely be working that into the deck.

November 1, 2017 3:24 p.m.