Wrath of the Skies

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Wrath of the Skies


You get X (energy counters), then you pay any amount of . Destroy each artifact, creature and enchantment with converted mana cost/mana value less than or equal to the amount of paid this way.

Xica on Molten Opals

3 months ago

Thoughcast is a fine card. What i meant is that in the age when Meltdown and Wrath of the Skies are common in sideboards, cards that only work when you have lotsa artifacts on the field fall into the "now i win even harder" school of deckbuilding.
They work fine when you are ahead and unopposed, but they are a liability when opponents pack hate cards.

Sure they are explosive. Sadly that aint an important quality in durdly midrange-ish decks. Not accidentally folding to hate cards aimed at other decks is more important, when the deck is too slow to "win before hate card resolves".

And well i have to strongly disagree with your take on land destruction. I agree that ramping provided by Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit is great. But i cannot agree with the rest of what you wrote. Most modern decks rarely run much basic, typically they run less than 3. And to say the least most such decks cannot function on 2 or less lands. As such the Stone Rain impressio of the field cards is very relevant.
Sadly Ghost Quarter is inferior, due to leaving you with fewer lands when you activate it. As much as there is nostalgia for it, its still aint great.
And Leonin Arbiter is completely unnecessary, when people don't have basic to search for anyways.

DeinoStinkus on Angels Modern

8 months ago

I think a third Giada, Font of Hope could probably do a little better than the one Serra Paragon. I get not wanting to have too many of the same legend, but with Giada it actually works in your favor since any duplicates will just be stronger because the original will boost the P/T of the new one. If you play the duplicate on your second main you actually get to have a big blocker that turn cycle too.

I've found that Secluded Steppe's cycle of lands helps me in Modern decks that are a bit slow.

While I understand Wrath of the Skies's synergies with your deck, I think it honestly will disproportionately hurt you because you know you're low to the ground. Skywrath won't be able to take out a Murktide Regent, Wurmcoil Engine, or a Draco. A regular Wrath would be more effective as a sideboard option, I think. (Could also run some recursion in the sideboard to go along with it, though I'm not sure if TOR would just balance that out as a result of drawing a bunch of cards anyway).

Icbrgr on Zirda Isochron Chant

8 months ago

no-stick control eh? very nice! I haven't brewed with in a looong time. how has Wrath of the Skies performed as a board wipe/sweeper? +1

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