Reaver Ambush

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Reaver Ambush


Exile target creature with power 3 or less.

Legendary_penguin_of_death on Total noobs first deck

6 years ago

The key to building good decks is redundant effects that all tie together to become stronger than each card would be by itself. For you Favorable Winds is that card that ties it all together. That means you should run 4. The next thing you should probably do is find the 6-7 best blue or black fliers in the format that fit within your budget and play 3-4 of each (6-7 fliers just because that is consistent with the number you run now and I agree is a good number of creatures but you could go a bit higher). All your artifacts dont synergies with the rest of the deck so I would replace them with interactive spells. Budget options are Walk the Plank, Lookout's Dispersal, and Reaver Ambush. Of the three Lookout's Dispersal is the best IMO. You run 2 Opt and 2 Chart a Course so I would try to figure out which works better and use 4. If you find them both equally good then its ok to split so you have choices if you have both in hand.

Like someone mentioned earlier know what type of deck you like to play. I like building decks that win but do it in a round about way. Magic has many hidden and cut and dry interactions its the brewers job to exploit them.

Good luck!

razelfark on OTK on Oathsworn Vampire-combo

7 years ago

Sorry I haven't responded to your question... been busy.

Highly suggest taking out march of the drowned for more creatures. The card function is only good when a creature is in your grave but you only have ten creatures in deck. The odds of it being a dead card in your hand are higher then you having a creature in your grave.

You should take out some other cards to make sure you run enough of your combo cards. You should be running Oathsworn Vampire at 4 copies not only because he is the main purpose of your combo, but he is also a decent 2 drop that can come back even if you don't have the full combo.

Cards you should just straight up replace Reaver Ambush and Vanquish the Weak. These cards should just come straight out as they are slow removal that are not very good overall. You are better off using Moment of Craving as a cheaper alternative in the main board or even go a mana more expensive for Hour of Glory because it can target any creature.

You also may want to consider taking some of the board wipe cards out and move them to sideboard (unless your local is really small creature aggro heavy). These cards more often then not will wipe your own board and you need to make sure certain cards stick to the field.

CeilingShapes has a good point about using 4 of Walk the Plank might be greedy for mainboard since merfolks are getting some love, but if you don't see the deck at your local then you should not worry about it too much.

You also might want to consider running some type of card in the sideboard at least to get rid of enchantments because you are a combo deck. The reason I say this is because if your opponent runs Ixalan's Binding then you won't be able to play your combo if one of your pieces end out under this card. You could run the card itself as a form of counter play against it to free your card that gets trapped under Binding and lock them from further copies of Binding, or you could run Demystify or similar cards in the side.

While I like a number of things you have going on in this deck I would suggest more creatures again because you can profit off casting them with the artifact in play. Again I can't stress how important that you are a combo deck so you should increase the cards required for combo, but also could add creatures that function like kill spells (example: Ravenous Chupacabra, Fairgrounds Warden) to get extra synergy with the Monument. I think this would be helpful as it can turn your sorcery based control options into creatures that provide the same function and you now have a body to go along with it.

Sorry if this was a bit wordy. Wanted to offer as much help as I could.

GlouriousDay on Flame-Chained

7 years ago

Thanks! I was also thinking maybe Essence Extraction or Reaver Ambush as budget removal.

Legendary_penguin_of_death on I have a curious obsession with the unblockable

7 years ago

I appreciate the feedback! In this post I am going to give you the reasoning behind each of my choices and I would appreciate if you analyzed them and told me if you agree or disagree. I will go in the order you had them in.

  1. Kitesail Freebooter is a dummy that sucks removal. When duress is cast, it will take the best removal (costing the opponent nothing). When kitesail freebooter is cast I usually take the cheapest removal so it costs the opponent more mana to answer it. In other words Im paying one more for freebooter but the opponent is paying 1,2, maybe 3 mana to get there spell back. Thats a moderate tempo play that can give the edge in a game. Board wipes feel bad tho.

  2. Fetid Pools I dont have a great defense for running a playset other than I just prefer consistency over speed.

  3. Ruin Raider/Riverwise Augur. In relation to ruin raider, I feel my four drops pay offs are pretty reasonable. Vraskas contempt gains me two life so its more like losing two life. River augur allows me to order the cards I will draw off ruin raider on its next draw so its a guarantee I will only lose 0 or 1 life. Additionally, digging three for four plus a body is not bad. Its not spectacular, but its not bad. The bigger reason I chose river auger over other cards is because I need all 11 Merfolk I have in to consistently nullify Silvergill Adepts additional casting cost.

  4. Reaver Ambush has a hidden synergy with Warkite marauder. Marauder allows ambush to deal with any non hex proof creatures. It basically becomes a three cmc vraskas contempt minus the plainswalker part. Not to mention its good by itself as well being the best answer for Scrapheap Scrounger, and other creatures that either reanimate or have an ability upon dying. Elenda, the Dusk Rose being exhibit A.

Thanks for reading!

GarrettTheGreat on Blue black control

7 years ago

Reaver Ambush is a great option for dealing with cards like Champion of Wits or Earthshaker Khenra. In general a decent piece of removal if facing god pharaoh gift deck. just my two cents.

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