Balduvian Frostwaker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Balduvian Frostwaker

Creature — Human Wizard

, : Target snow land becomes a 2/2 blue Elemental creature with flying. It's still a land.

EDH 1 / 1
Winter's Chill feature for Eternal Winter

momikulski on snowmageddon

5 years ago

Updraft , Force Void , Blessed Wine , and Rime Dryad are all pretty mediocre, but I like the theme.

I also like Icy Manipulator both for flavor and for utility. Dark Depths might be out of your price range, but it is such a cool flavor card. also on that list is Glacial Chasm . Some more enter the battlefield creatures might be really helpful things like Eternal Witness and Hornet Queen are busted good with roon. Eon Hub does things in this deck. I have no idea if it is a good card or not for the deck, but it certainly does things.

Some cool things to think about (specifically cool for you, and very uncool for your opponents). If you can make your opponents lands snow covered all of a sudden Balduvian Conjurer and Balduvian Frostwaker make them removable with creature removal like Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile can now remove lands. Which I guess for those specific removal cards seems pretty bad, but uh Sunscour after making all of your opponent's lands into 2/2's with the frostwaker seems pretty hilarious to me.

I think you're going to want all the mana you can get, so I'd look at signets cluestones and the like in your color pie. so like Simic Signet and Selesnya Cluestone .

Altogether your list is super fun and flavorful, could it have more focus on making a specific win condition go? like Worldly Tutor to get out the Rimefeather Owl consistently? Sure, but this schema is going to be tough to break, which is why it is fun. I think you could do more board clears and more making your opponent's lands into creatures, but I think that will make your play group dislike you pretty quickly. Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper might be fun if you want to go all in on making your lands into creatures and winning that way. And with that dude, you could go with Devastation Tide and Rude Awakening . There are a bunch of things your list could be sharpened into. Hope this helps.

gheridarigaaz on Land themed Commander Ideas?

8 years ago

Hi all, hope all is well XD

Looking for ideas for a potential Kruphix deck that runs as few creatures as possible.

I aim to make opponents run from the hills with awaken type effects like Genju of the Cedars, Rude Awakening and Balduvian Frostwaker to keep to a theme of Kruphix's reign over the charging horizons.

I'm just getting ideas before I decide the concept is viable in a semi-competetive environment.
