Trying to make a Boros deck for my first Standard event at local LGS

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on March 25, 2019, 6:18 p.m. by Arcaneful


Hey all.

I'm a usual EDH player, but my LGS is offering free admitance to Saturday Standard, I assume to increase interest in the format, and I'm kinda wanting to try it out.

This is the deck I put together from cards I own, (again EDH player, so not much more than 1 ofs), and I'm aiming for something... a little janky. I know boros midrange is a solid deck, I've seen it on Arena in around diamond when playing, but I was thinking of a deck with Tajic, Legion's Edge and Defeaning Clarion's. Maybe more on the control side, with lots of removal and burn.

I've got about 20$ of upgrades I can do by the end of the week. Any thoughts?

Ghouul says... #2

To be honest, the meta will eat it up. Unlike MTGO, and Arena, the paper meta is filled with Mono-red, Mono-blue aggro. Barely see any play for a lot of these "top decks" everyone is speaking about. I always design my decks myself, and most of the time I am top 4.

Here is what I've been running, just adjust it with what you have,

Also most cards I acquired by winning packs or trading, my deck is currently 70% foiled now lol. So many decks are running tons of options, you want to be the same way. There are also many board wipes in standard, almost as many are being played in Modern as well.

Good luck.

March 25, 2019 7:46 p.m.

Arcaneful says... #3


I love your list besides the price, but if you put it together from packs good for you my friend.

Do you think the black is worth it if I continue to try and do this on a budget? I have a Blood Crypt for sure and possibly an extra Godless shrine somewhere?

Anyways, I guess what I’m asking is basically is 3 color viable on a limited budget in standard currently?

March 25, 2019 8:22 p.m.

PlatinumOne says... #4

upgrading might be hard to do with only $20. as for a 3rd color, that will be difficult in standard. the checklands rotate out in the fall, and the only good dual lands left will be the shocklands. trying to make 3 colors work in standard will require a lot of shocklands, which makes your aggro matchup a ton worse.

March 25, 2019 10:11 p.m.

Arcaneful says... #5


Gotcha. I'll use my playset I just found of Theater of Horrors for another deck then haha.

I've been scouring for awhile tonight and found a few cards of note that might be fun the I could maybe get some playsets for under $20.

Swiftblade Vindicator and Legion Warboss

As some midrange mentor pay offs.

Card draw in Risk Factor ?

Maybe upping some removal in cards such as Justice Strike ?

Boros Challenger 's for some early game presence?

Integrity / Intervention for the hard aggro match ups?

These are just a few cards I've found.

March 25, 2019 10:43 p.m.

PlatinumOne says... #6

Swiftblade Vindicator can be really good if you get some auras/equipment on it. Risk Factor is definitely good, and i'd also recommend Response / Resurgence

March 25, 2019 10:54 p.m.

Arcaneful says... #7


Just made a 2.0 version that looks fairly solid from my point of view. Any thoughts?

March 25, 2019 10:58 p.m.

PlatinumOne says... #8

theres a better way to link decks, explained in the comment tutorial.

Boros Legion v2

Standard* Arcaneful


i'd recommend adding lands to the deck first lol.

March 26, 2019 12:25 a.m.

itsbuzzi says... #9

For that price perhaps go some sort of budget boros aggro. I've seen some Boros aggro at my LGS and it runs fairly well with Boros Challenger as you have mentioned. For faster wins perhaps add Chance for Glory and then cast Response / Resurgence . Chance for Glory can give your creatures indestructible for the rest of the game which can help with boardwipes. If the deck is aggro enough you shouldn't need to worry about the other half of Chance. Legion Warboss can fit in and if Chance is too scary for the negative side you could just run Make a Stand to get around boardwipes. I run a deck with some of these features and they work fairly well. I love Deafening Clarion as well.

March 26, 2019 11:35 a.m.

Adanto Vanguard will be great for this deck. it is an early threat that has works great with deafening clarion. (he will get you three life back when he attacks if you payed the 4 life to keep him)

April 1, 2019 3:24 a.m.

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