Wilhelt, Grave Defiler

Commander / EDH MegaMatt13

SCORE: 156 | 106 COMMENTS | 39163 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS

Zombie Tribal —Oct. 4, 2018

Decided to take the deck in a completely different direction. I had all of these great zombie cards in my binder without a home. I've decided to change things up and make this more of a zombie tribal build. I've made my new Animatou deck more of an ETB control deck and so a lot of the strong ETB creatures that were in here have been moved there. I've actually found that this deck performs more consistently now as a lot of zombies have life draining abilities that synergize with The Scarab God's life drain

Elywood says... #1

MegaMatt13 really cool deck - I've been playing a variant similar to it, but have been kind of struggling with a win condition. I love how interactive this deck is, but amongst my playgroup everyone packs at least a couple of board wipes so its kind of hard to get zombies to stick around for Scarab God's upkeep trigger. Any other tips for perhaps an alt wincon?

July 18, 2018 12:39 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #2

Elywood, thanks for your comment. I have that issue sometimes too. I am thinking of running more counterspells, like Draining Whelk, to protect from boardwipes.

you may want to consider Revel in Riches as an alternate win con. it will punish your opponent's for wiping the board as it could give you victory. I generally don't like alternate "you win the game" cards but I have to admit

July 18, 2018 3:50 p.m.

tiagompm says... #3

If you are looking for a winning condittion, Torment of Hailfire is also a good alternative, I have a very similar deck "The Scarab and the Forty Thieves" that you can get good ideas. The difference is that I have nothing to feed zombies because I have more control cards and cards that steal from opponents. Praetor's Grasp and Memory Plunder are excellent cards to have alternatives where the dimmer decks are weak like destroying enchantments or artifacts ... (against me they play very enchantments and artifacts of exiling cemeteries) I also really enjoyed your Meteor Golem ... About counters when you play Draining Whelk you will not want anything else ... And you even need a Phyrexian Metamorph or better, Clever Impersonator ... They make a difference ...

Hope to help you how you have helped me!

July 18, 2018 5:36 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #4

tiagompm, appreciate the suggestions! Memory Plunder is already in here and I really enjoy it. I've thought about including more clones. I love Sakashima since she can copy the Scarab God and double up his triggers, but other clones are great too! I run Torment of Hailfire in my Yahenni deck since that deck has all the mono black mana doublers. I wonder how big X would typically be in this deck though. Great card either way.

July 18, 2018 7 p.m.

Elywood says... #5

Yea I'm not a huge fan of auto win cards like Revel in Riches either... I also don't feel like I ever generate enough mana (since I don't run urborg+coffers) to make the big X black spells worth the while. Do you usually win by combat dmg or with Scarab God's upkeep trigger?

July 18, 2018 9:44 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #6

Elywood, it's usually a grindy combination of both...getting some life drain off the upkeep trigger and then swinging in with some zombies (especially if I have Wonder in the grave).

Typically games go like this:

1) Don't appear to be a big threat right away and have a deathtouch creature or Propaganda out to avoid early aggression

2) Don't cast the Scarab God until I have pitched some good targets into my graveyard or opponents have good targets in theirs.

3) Control the board as needed while slowly accruing value with the Scarab God

4) End up being in the final two by not being the overt scary threat. Steal the victory by swinging in with zombies/draining the last person out.

Of course it doesn't always work that way...sometimes very fast decks can explode before my value engine gets going. That's how it goes when it works though :)

July 19, 2018 12:49 p.m.

Elywood says... #7

July 19, 2018 10:16 p.m.