The Torture Never Stops

Commander / EDH* Ruffigan


oblivion234 says... #1

January 13, 2016 10:53 p.m.

venok says... #2

No Mercy for more defense and punishment

March 20, 2016 4:15 p.m.

Ruffigan says... #3

I used to run No Mercy but, because of the amount of boardwipes I run, I found it to either be doing nothing or having people attack into me anyways, expecting a boardwipe next turn. I still have it and may side it in if I find a meta that likes aggro a lot.

March 20, 2016 4:32 p.m. Edited.

Nightdragon779 says... #4

April 5, 2016 3:10 p.m.

shuruga says... #5


I like your deck, so I have made a budget version of it.It's here.

If you want critic some choices or give me advice you're welcome.

Btw I take "Ruination" instead of "From the Ashes" for my list, I think it could be better.

April 6, 2016 11:41 a.m.

Ruffigan says... #6

@Nightdragon779: I'd not thought of using Repay in Kind. It is a very powerful card but for the mana investment I think I could get more done with other cards. I will try it out though.

@shuruga: Thanks, I'm glad you like the deck! I took a cursory look over the deck, I'll post a detailed critique when I get home from work tonight. On the topic of Ruination, I used to run it in the deck but replaced it with From the Ashes. It does help my opponents but it has an added benefit for me as well: it replaces all of my tapped non-basics with untapped basics, allowing me to continue playing spells. Used in conjunction with Yawgmoth's Will it can potentially let me use Cabal Coffers twice in one turn. In that regard I treat it more as a ramp card than land destruction, but it's often not good to play until you are planning on trying to win. In your budget deck I think Ruination is definitely better.

April 6, 2016 4:41 p.m.
September 6, 2016 11:16 p.m.

brian.olson542 says... #8

Dude. I think this deck looks great. I like your use of enchantments, as I stylize myself the enchantment guy in our playgroup. Well done.

March 11, 2017 1:49 p.m.

Wolfpig says... #9

Stormfist Crusader might be a viable replacement for Spiteful Visions for shutting down their draw till your turn and giving a 2/2 menace to put work in with. Awesome deck +1

October 17, 2019 7:50 p.m.

Olive_pdx says... #10

Oh man nice deck!! I recently put one together as part of a white elephant exchange in our playgroup and I landed him. I finally got it to a nice spot and took a nice win tonight, essentially casting Kaervek the Merciless early (turn 3) and controlling the board and pinging to death. I used the Pestilent Spirit and lots of cheap damage spells to keep the board clean. Seems to work well.

February 7, 2020 2:21 a.m.

Blackheart426 says... #11

Great deck! I love it! You know what goes great with pain magnification? Magmatic Force. Ping for three every turn, keep their hands thin. Cryptolith Fragment  Flip and Neheb, the Eternal might also be fun to consider sideboarding, given how expensive Kaervek is. Keep up the awesome work!

February 12, 2020 4 p.m.

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