The Latest and Greatest Bad Combo (Turn 3 Kill)

Modern* Logics


25 Upvotes —Feb. 3, 2017

We're at 25. I'm happy people like my little brew here. It's a lot of fun and hopefully the deck grows in popularity more.

This is my kind of deck :D +1 good sir

November 28, 2015 3:07 p.m.

teamawesome1 says... #2

Why use Triton Tactics over something that cantrips? Sweet deck! +1 from me.

November 30, 2015 10:35 a.m.

kengiczar says... #3

This is very cool! @ teamawesome1: Triton Tactics is used because it untaps all of your mana dorks which lets you cast more spell. You have to weave the untap spells and the draw spells.

November 30, 2015 11:02 a.m.

Yeah, only Cerulean Wisps and Triton Tactics untap creatures. Made that mistake that cost me a game. Lol

November 30, 2015 3:32 p.m.

kengiczar says... #5

So I just realized that Triton Tactics says "up to". Makes it a lot easier to not deck myself before I get a ton of mana with Ink Treader because now it un taps the whole team! : )

I think the ascendancy deck is just faster but damn this is so much fun.

November 30, 2015 3:57 p.m.

Logics says... #6

Like said above, the Triton Tactics are an extra untap spell. They also are able to ramp if you really need it. Also, the 3 best non-creature spells are Triton Tactics, Cerulean Wisps, and Crimson Wisps. The first two are obvious, and Crimson Wisps allows you to deploy more dorks and tap them for mana, allowing you to draw more and combo more easily.

November 30, 2015 5:14 p.m.

Also, in your description, it says this deck is susceptible to removal. You can combo off at instant speed, eh? If they try bolting a guy or decaying a dork or whatever kill spell they might have, you can tactics to save them from burn, you can also just draw a shit ton of cards by playing can trip after can trip and draw until another zada or ink treader. Or just go for the win with grapeshot

November 30, 2015 5:56 p.m.

And if it's on their turn, you can just draw sufficient cards to win with maniac and have a spellskite handy

November 30, 2015 5:57 p.m.

kengiczar says... #9

In 80-90% of play tests I am able to go off turn 4 and win. That's with drawing either double Spellskite or Skite+Lab Maniac. So much fun!

I've play tested at least 24 times, maybe more.

November 30, 2015 6:08 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #10

I really like it though I feel like there's a lot of holes that could be patched. Sometimes you just chain off the draw and whiff with no untap. I feel like I'm doing something wrong because it's usually turn 4 or 5 before I go off. Pretty good for Modern sure but it's all removal targets on your way.

Do you think Disciple of Deceit could bolster this deck in any way? I ran one in my last standard deck to accelerate the combo because it was the cheapest tutor available in Standard, and honestly is one of the cheaper ones in Modern. In conjunction with Springleaf Drum it does wonders. I feel like it could synergize well with this deck if you fit it in.

Maybe drop the two Spellskite and two Irresistible Prey for two Disciple of Deceit and two Springleaf Drum. The drum could also help turn your sickness mana dorks and win-con creatures into usable dorks.

I also find Spellskite largely useless. It's a 3% chance to save your creatures as far as I can tell. Unless I'm missing something?

December 2, 2015 5:37 p.m.

Logics says... #11

@TMBRLZ - Spellskite is in here as a way to preemptively protect your combo in a pre-boarded game. It's in here for similar reasons as to why infect decks have started running it in the main.

As for the Disciple of Deceit and Springleaf Drum, both of those cards do nothing for the deck on their own. Springleaf Drum basically wastes a turn that I could be casting a dork, and Disciple of Deceit is more than likely only ever going to get tapped by a Springleaf Drum, plus all the cards in my deck do basicallt the same thing, either draw lots of cards or tap for mana. Also Springleaf Drum doesn't get to untap, so I'd be better off just adding lands.

Personally I feel like Irresistible Prey being usually a 1 mana draw 6 or 7 and mainboarded protection of my combo in the form of Spellskite are far more important than a couple cards that pretty much are only good when draw with each other, and even then work slower than the pace set by the deck.

If I were going to swap anything it would be remove Spellskite for a Triton Tactics and an Aphotic Wisps or a land.

Thanks for the suggestion though. As much as it probably didn't sound like it, I do really appreciate the feedback, as that's the only way to make the deck better.

December 2, 2015 6:23 p.m.

Have you thought about Refocus? I know it's one mana more, but it does offer draw and an untap.I feel like the untap is necessary to go off, even if it does cost more

December 2, 2015 7:10 p.m.

Logics says... #13

@ryanjoha - I have considered the card, but 2 mana hurts. With 7 untap effects in the deck, 4 of them drawing you cards already, I'm finding I don't usually have a problem combo-ing off. If you have 1 untap effect when you try to go off, you usually will be able to draw a couple times and then untap and continue. Also, in a whierd way, Crimson Wisps also fills that slot, as it allows you to cast dorks so you can draw more, and then give them all haste and continue going off. Ultimately I would probably run the 8th Triton Tactics before the first Refocus as if you're drawing more than 3 cards, (which you almost always are when combo-ing off), then you will hit more draw spells.

December 2, 2015 7:20 p.m.

Yeah, that's fair. I wish I had money to build this deck :(

December 2, 2015 7:26 p.m.

The grapeshot plan doesnt work, because of the ruling on zada, the copies dont count as being cast. Just a heads up if you can find something better to play.

December 13, 2015 12:17 p.m.

Logics says... #16

@grasshopper021 the Grapeshot plan does work because you can fairly easily get your storm count to 20 between all the spells you cast while drawing out your deck, as well as Triton Tactics to allow you to cast mana dorks and build storm more. It has nothing to do with the copying of spells.

December 13, 2015 12:27 p.m.

Although after play testing the deck somewhat extensively, I still haven't won off grapeshot. The only time you would have to win off grapeshot is if they counter the maniac. I have thought about playing one or two Cavern of Souls, name human, you can cast hierarch and maniac without being countered.

December 13, 2015 3:12 p.m.

hamesame says... #18

Iam starting in magic. I play for 1 year i think... When i played this deck i felt that it is running low in mana. Its kind rare to start with at least 1 land in your hand. i had to mulligan until i had 4 cards in hand to have a reflecting pool(useless alone(in this case)) and i won in round 14 with 32 cards in hand. Cause the key cards came in round 13! I dont know.. i belive i am too unlucky. But this deck have low control. By the way... this happened only once in 5 times i tested it... so.. this deck is good.

December 15, 2015 8:56 a.m.

Peytongm says... #19

I would really consider replacing Elvish Mystic with Joraga Treespeaker. It's just so much better!

December 15, 2015 9:02 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #20


How so?

Elvish Mystic gets you three mana on turn 2 to use on whatever you want.

Joraga Treespeaker gets you four mana on turn 2 but only after you pump two of that into turning Treespeaker on, netting you two mana, meaning you're getting no more mana than you normally would for the immediate gain, not to mention that mana is strictly green.

I get your train of thought, but that's the part of Magic that comes down to pure numbers and efficiency.

December 15, 2015 9:38 a.m.

Peytongm says... #21

@TMBRLZ I see how you can say that Elvish Mystic may be more beneficial, put there are several advantages to Joraga Treespeaker. While it is true that the mana is strictly green, I might also note that about 40% of your cards rely on green mana. With Joraga Treespeaker, you can play it turn one, level it up turn two, and still have 2 mana left over. This allows your mana ramp to have a steeper curve, but get you higher in the long run (this is what I do in my deck $35 Devoted Quillspike . In addition to this, if you have a REALLY slow game (maybe playing against a blue deck) then you can level Joraga Treespeaker up to level 5, and then any other elf that comes into your possession can automatically tap for two green. This isn't even mentioning the advantages of having a 1/2 or 1/4 instead of a 1/1. I hope this helps! I understand if you want to stick with Elvish Mystic, but if it were me, I'd switch it out.

December 15, 2015 10:12 a.m.

The point of this deck isn't even to ramp super hard. It's to get enough creatures on the field to make wisps+zada worthwhile. Getting mystic on turn 1, you can now play 3 creatures on the field turn 2, whereas with tree speaker, you can only play two creatures on turn 2, which hurts the deck honestly a lot. Less creatures=less draw=less chance of going off

December 15, 2015 1:46 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #23

This is a combo deck. If you haven't won by turn 5 you have a better chance of being hit by a meteor then you do winning the game.

December 15, 2015 2:24 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #24

My point being making decisions for the long game isn't a very relevant strategy. Almost every piece of a combo deck should be devoted towards acquiring and firing the combo. My combo decks have always been great at going off, they just have no ability to respond to anything.

As with most combo decks, you're basically just playing against your deck with this one.

That's why Splinter Twin decks are so popular. It takes two cards to go off and is in counterburn colors. You just stall till combo.

December 15, 2015 2:26 p.m.

Yeah, and because we're not durdling on turn 2 leveling up our tree speaker, which we absolutely need two lands to level it, we're actually spending mana to accelerate our board state to be able to combo off before turn 4

December 15, 2015 2:29 p.m.