This deck is pretty wild however I'm slightly unsure about some things (bottom of description)

Phytexian Obliterator - Value + 4 Devotion + Anti-burn + Permanent removal.

Crypt Ghast - Basically doubles mana + Extort

Vampire Nighthawk - Answer for flyers + Lifegain + 2 Devotion + Deathtouch

Gray Merchant - Life gain + Win Con + 2 Devotion

Nantuko Shade - 2 Devotion + Pump up (Nice combo with Crypht Ghast and Shrine to Nyx)

Nightveil Specter - 3 Devotion + Flyer + Ability as a bonus.

Phytexian Metamorph - This card is so useful in so many ways. (Nice combo with Gray merchant!)

Spellskite - Basically counters pump ups + Protects other creatures

Demonic Tutor - Wow a 2 drop draw any card you need. Basically adds a full play set of any ther card in the deck!

Dismember - Removal + Value

Profane Command - Win Con + Removal + Brings back a creature + Evasion

Ereobos - Draw power + Value + Indestructible - Devotion shouldn't be an issue to make him a creature

Is there something missing or could anything be replaced by something better? The way this deck stands right now everything fits in pretty well. It'd be pretty difficult to find something that could take another cards place and add more value while keeping consistency.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.15
Ignored suggestions
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