This modern deck is one that i have fun using at FNM when i feel like having a bit of fun with the mechanics. It focuses heavily on the use of the Ninjutsu mechanics of the ninjas from the older blocks. It runs quite well at the moment for the skill level of opponents I am facing but I am always looking to tweak its performance. :)

In this deck I have 3 primary types of cards. Ninjutsu relies heavily on making sure my creatures stay unblocked as they attack so we may use the mechanic to swap our different ninjas in and out. The Distractions are there to help get our ninjas on the field and the Control cards are they to help keep undesirables off the field.

The Ninjas

We have a number of ninjas at our disposal with a range of hard costs and Ninjutsu costs. The Mistblade Shinobi, Walker of Secret Ways and the Ninja of the Deep Hours are all low mana costs to ninja out early game and have some good effects to get you quick started on keeping the field in your favor.Later on we have the heavy hitters like the Higure, the Still Wind to help keeping our ninjas getting through their defences and then onto finishing blows with the baddest of ninjas with the Throat Slitter and my favorite Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni to wipe their field and steal creatures. This can be a combined force to reckon with.

The Distractions

The cheapest and hardest creatures to block early on come in the form of the Ornithopter and the Signal Pest. By themselves this offer little threat but that doesn't mean that they aren't useful. Who wants to block a flying thopter that does no damage. Perfect opportunity to Ninjutsu in a ninja or in your early turns when they can be caught off guard. The distractions are reusable and in a pinch can be used to block some damage. These will help you kickstart the ninja ways.


Just a few extra cards to keep your opponents scary or able blocking creatures off the battlefield. Vapor Snag and Murder are great cards for removing some creatures even if only temporary it can give you just enough time to rally yourself. Cancel can save your neck when some dangerous cards are played and Aphotic Wisps Can help get your ninjas through as well as some card draw.

On top of this the Shuriken equipment adds a nice bit of flair to a ninja deck and they are the best creatures sue to the additional effect when becoming un-equipped from a ninja. They can be quite useful to harass enemy creatures.

Combining these elements can make for a nice surprise deck that can keep your opponent on their toes and strike deadly if they aren't paying attention. But mainly I just play it because who doesn't love ninjas! :D

Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions. Feedback is always welcomed!Have fun out there in the planes!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
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