Best $50 You'll Ever Spend [MODERN]

Modern Scorprix

SCORE: 461 | 117 COMMENTS | 103709 VIEWS | IN 235 FOLDERS

Comments Cleared —March 26, 2015

Scorprix says... #1

What SpaderAce said. I don't usually trade cards, I usually bid on Ebay. Hence minimal price.

July 31, 2014 10:39 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #2

Also what's Flickerwisp used for? You don't have ETB effects and it doesn't have flash so it isn't saving anybody

July 31, 2014 11:13 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #3

Nvm Blade Splicer has etb. Anything else?

July 31, 2014 11:14 a.m.

Scorprix says... #4

Helps bounce all kinds of things: Planeswalkers to reset loyalty count, kills auras, untags lands, resets Journey to Nowhere , gains 4 life if I have Obstinate Baloth in play, and it's also a 3/1 with flying.

July 31, 2014 11:46 a.m.

atgarnett says... #5

Wow you are so incredibly disrispectful InconspicuousPotato there's no need to be so childish and I am in the top 2% in my state... So ummmm yeah, your very rude and childish. Oh and also wrong all I did was ask a question

July 31, 2014 12:20 p.m.

atgarnett says... #6

Is there a way to report people?

July 31, 2014 12:22 p.m.

Scorprix says... #7

@atgarnett: No, but you can block people on there page.

July 31, 2014 12:24 p.m.

atgarnett says... #8

Okay thanks

July 31, 2014 12:26 p.m.

Scorprix says... #9

Also, InconspicuousPotato & atgarnett, I may need to delete all of your comments. I don't like fights. You have been warned. |:(

July 31, 2014 12:27 p.m.

atgarnett says... #10

That's okay I really don't care he's probably just a troll

July 31, 2014 12:29 p.m.

TheGamer says... #11

I really like what you said about Flickerwisp Scorprix. Resetting loyalty is a really cool idea I've never thought of!

July 31, 2014 1:07 p.m.

Yeah delete the comments plz

July 31, 2014 1:27 p.m.

Scorprix says... #13

@InconspicuousPotato: I'll just delete them all. I'm sick of trolls. I've had to deal with 2 people (who will remain un-named) trolling a forum post all day. I finally ended up blocking one of them. They were trying to sound smart by insulting people. >:(

July 31, 2014 3:19 p.m.

WilliamsIan says... #14

Awesome! this is the deck I'm going to build as soon as Rav cycles out of standard. I pretty much run a G/W hatebears in standard right now, but it's a little more like an aggro deck. anyway, what do you think of Hushwing Gryff ? 3 drop flash flyer that stops board hitting abilities like Restoration Angel

August 2, 2014 12:19 p.m.

Scorprix says... #15

@WilliamsIan: It's a bit weak. Creature removal is super common, so it's a lot more easy to remove than Torper Orb.

August 2, 2014 12:37 p.m.

WilliamsIan says... #16

fair enough, I just thought the flash had some value to it. Anyway, good deck +1

August 2, 2014 1:09 p.m.

Scorprix says... #17

@WilliamsIan: You can use it if you want. It probably depends on your meta-game. : )

August 2, 2014 1:47 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #18

Green is definitely not worth the splash on a budget. You're also much better off just getting the paths and not playing a bad card to replace them. You'd be better off just playing Oblivion Ring in that slot if anything

September 8, 2014 10:46 p.m.

MangoPunch says... #19

Have you considered Root Maze ? Just effs with fetch lands for days.

September 13, 2014 11:15 a.m.

Ryotenchi says... #20

Ive looked at this deck twice now.. and just now I realized, yours puts mine to shame cost to efficiency wise..

September 29, 2014 4:02 p.m.

hassankachal says... #21

$50 and $90 are not the same thing, but nice deck! +1

October 20, 2014 3:16 p.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #22

Great build mate. Love avacyn in here.

October 25, 2014 11:47 a.m.

Player3.14 says... #23

Why not replace Brushland with Sunpetal Grove? It's only 50 cents more and it is a lot better for this deck. Neat idea, +1.

December 12, 2014 6:11 p.m.

earspit says... #24

Nice deck. +1 Thoughts on my g/w aggro/hatebears budget deck?

January 3, 2015 1:06 p.m.

Timporin says... #25

you dont need Avacyn's Pilgrim with your mana curve stopping at 3. with this budget manabase with 9 green sources you cant even cast it t1 reliably. id say replace other 5 green cards with something white, replace Dismember with Path to Exile

January 4, 2015 3:34 a.m.