• Insolent Neonate is an evasive 1/1 and a one-shot discard outlet. It's very useful for dealing free early damage and discarding Hell Mongrel or Reckless Wurm - effectively reducing their cost to 3 and allowing us to cast them during the opponent's end step at instant speed. We can run 4 without fear of overdrawing because it can cycle itself in the late game by discarding a madness card or extra land to draw another card.

  • Putrid Imp is kind of pathetic. It's usually just a vanilla 1/1. It doesn't even fly often because our other discard outlets offer greater rewards for discarding cards. Very often, in the late game, it will grow to be a 2/2. However, it's not a card that we want to see in multiples. We run 3 because I've found that, at any less, we won't always comfortably have one of our Discard Creatures in our hand. We run this over 3 copies of Olivia's Dragoon because Putrid Imp costing only 1 black mana matters. That's a 50% discount, and this deck is so very mana hungry.

  • Cabal Initiate. Awesome art. Having Lifelink sometimes is pretty cool. Listen, you could play Olivia's Dragoon. No one's going to stop you. Flying is definitely a better keyword than Lifelink (most of the time). A base 2/2 body is so much better than a 2/1 when you're facing 1/1s and 1/3s. Hold on, though. Just 7 cards in our graveyard and this becomes a 3/3? A couple late-game discard dorks turn in to 3/3 chads and suddenly our offense is relevant again. We're not even discarding with these guys that often. Maybe one or two cards per game; and hopefully to flash in the real discard outlet, Hell Mongrel, during the opponent's end phase. Getting value in the form of 3/3s when we have threshold is way better than having 2/2s that we have to struggle to make fly.


  • Kitchen Imp, you're so fast! Wow! 1 black mana. 2/2 haste with flying. This card is so good! It gets 1st priority of the 3 1-mana madness cards for discarding and casting.

  • Alms of the Vein drains your opponent for 3 life for 1 black mana. It's a very passive burn, and best left until after the imps have drawn blood. 2nd priority in casting. In fact, I wouldn't even cast these through a Discard Creature unless our opponent is going to die from them or we desperately need life. They're perfect to discard to Faithless Looting.

  • Fiery Temper is our Lightning Bolt. Just like Lightning Bolt, save this for killing creatures unless you can kill the opponent with it. However, if it happens to be discarded to Faithless Looting while your opponent doesn't have any creatures that can block you, it can't hurt to go face. This has 3rd priority in casting. You want to keep this in your hand longer than Kitchen Imp and Alms of the Vein, but if your mana only allows Fiery Temper to be cast off of a Faithless Looting, then go ahead and blast them. Similarly, if the opponent has a creature that you need to remove, just discard it through a Discard Creature and blast the creature.

  • Hell Mongrel is a BEAST. 3 mana madness cost. 4/3 body with an effect to discard a card and gain +1/+1 until end of turn. This is the boss monster of the deck. It can regularly threaten lethal alone just by counting the cards in your hand. The Madness cost allows it to be cast at instant speed! So it can surprise your opponent at the end of their turn! It works as another Discard Outlet! Finally, it survives Lightning Bolt and similar effects by just discarding a card or two. The 4/3 body is such a drastic upgrade over Wild Mongrel's 2/2. I love this card!

  • Reckless Wurm is just extra copies of powerful monsters to flash in. 4/4 body. Trample is awesome. It doesn't pose the same threat that Hell Mongrel always does, but it definitely packs a punch. 2 or 3 Wurms is fine.


  • Faithless Looting in this deck very often equates to 1-mana: draw 2 cards and then Flashback 3-mana: draw 2 more cards. It's like Harmonize in red in Pauper. You were going to cast those Kitchen Imps, Alms of the Veins, and Fiery Tempers anyway! Why not draw cards while you do it?! This card, chained together can draw through most of our deck. The deck contains 24 points of burn damage and 10 more madness creatures to smash face. This is how your opponent dies.

  • Night's Whisper pulls this deck together. Most of the time, we aren't firing off Faithless Looting until turns 3 or 4. Sometimes we don't have an early Discard Creature. Sometimes we don't have more than 2 lands in our opening hand. Sometimes we just need more gas, and we're not afraid of losing life. Night's Whisper makes situational starting hands rock-solid, and turns top-decks into burn-spell-chains.

Honourable Mentions:

  • Olivia's Dragoon: In the early game a 2/2 (sometimes flying) is better than a 2/1 (sometimes lifelink). In the late game, though, a 3/3 is better than a 2/2. And in multiple copies, the 3/3 bodies late game matter more than one or two turns of a single 2/2 flying in the early game.

  • Skophos Reaver: Listen, this guy is cool. But he doesn't have trample and he dies to lightning bolt. If there were 4 more slots in the deck, this would be the card to add.

  • Bloodmad Vampire: Ew. 1 toughness.

  • Lightning Bolt: We don't just CAST spells. We discard them. Nothing happens when you discard Lightning Bolt. 0/10, bad card. But seriously, Hellbent in the late game, flashing back Faithless Lootings with only one card in hand. You want to hit Madness Cards. The only non-madness flex slot is Night's Whisper and I believe drawing cards is just more important than 3 damage.


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98% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
Folders Pauper
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