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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target land becomes a 3/3 creature until end of turn. It's still a land.

Draw a card.

Peoni on Catrunner

4 years ago

The once a turn clause is definitely a drawback for sure, but I the way I figured it is if you have enough consistent card draw happening every turn then you're still getting to use the ability and you're finding other cards that will trigger it. More card draw never hurts, especially when your commander's activated ability can be a wincon depending on how many cards you have in hand. That reminds me, Library of Leng and Reliquary Tower both serve as pretty good budget options for holding onto all of the cards you'll be drawing, with Thought Vessel being a good but less budget option.

As far as drawing on everyone else's turns, the previously mentioned Runic Armasaur is a really nice choice. Some decent green instant draw you might like are Aggressive Urge, Benefactor's Draught, Bind, Feral Instinct, Inspiring Call, Lace with Moonglove, Lammastide Weave (lol), Momentous Fall (lots of tokens makes the sacrifice no big deal, especially if you get some big ones out there), Provoke, Skyshroud Blessing, Viridescent Wisps, and Vivify could be considered. Also the previously mentioned Verdant Rebirth. I'd say replacing the more situational cards that you'd usually be cycling anyway with cards that net you draw and share the same cost as the cycle should serve as replacements. For example Stinging Shot and Thornado are probably better off being replaced by some of the 2 cmc cards I just listed like Aggressive Urge, purely because in that case you're getting an effect and a card instead of just paying 2 to draw a card.

Gnarlback Rhino and Veil of Summer also have the potential to net you a card on another player's turn, with Veil being a good card all around and giving you some much needed stack interaction to get around enemy counters.

Coolulder on

7 years ago

I like the concept, similar to my B/G, I would recommend Verdant Touch. This allows you to animate their land even quicker if you need to burn it. It also acts as a Quirion Druid in spell form in essence due to Buyback. It is quite a bit more mana intensive in comparison however, it would increase your chances of getting animation and unlike Animate Land, Vivify, and Lifespark Spellbomb, you will be able to continue to use it long term as well as a permanent effect.

There is also Strip Mine however to keep it budget you could look at Ghost Quarter.

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