Goblin Ski Patrol

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Ski Patrol

Creature — Goblin

(1)(Red): Goblin Ski Patrol gets +2/+0 and gains flying until end of turn. Destroy it at end of turn. It can't be regenerated. Play this ability only once and only if you control a snow Mountain.

DemonDragonJ on Twenty Years of Playing Magic!

2 years ago

shadow63, I do not recall what the first card I opened in a booster was, but I did have a copy of Goblin Ski Patrol, before I actually stared playing the game properly; that may not be a very powerful card, but I do remember it, as it was the first card that I ever had.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

5 years ago

Goblin Air Control

Creature - Goblin

: Target Goblin you control gains flying until end of turn, sacrifice it at the beginning of the next endstep.


Similar to Goblin Ski Patrol

I'd like more Goblins or Elves with flavorful, but new abilities.

Icbrgr on Modern Horizon

5 years ago

So the Prof. from Tolarian Community college posted a really interesting video.

This Modern Horizons set doesnt seem to affect the Ban list in the same sense of outright to unbanning things like Mental Misstep or Second Sunrise .... but is a different concept that bridges into a realm beyond my reach/experience. Sure I've inherited some older cards that my brother gave to me from the Mirage sets and stuff; but I never actively collected or constructed cards from these older time periods because i figured it was a bit much to try to backtrack/familiarize myself with these older cards in order to break into the legacy/vintage formats.

In terms of brand new/never before seen/bypassing standard format printed cards like the spoiled Serra the Benevolent & Cabal Therapist ... I think its reasonable to assume that its anyones guess as to what kind of things could get printed.... However; does anyone have any insight or predictions on some possible cards that Modern Horizons may print that are currently only available in Legacy/Vintage that would have an impact on Modern? I dont think somthing like Goblin Ski Patrol would result in any dramatic change exactly but there is the "possibly" of Modern getting access to things like Sinkhole or Counterspell that could certainly shake things up a bit.

Maybe this could be the path needed to eventually achieve a diverse/healthy "No Ban List Modern" to get around the reserve list to maintain those entrenched in the other eternal formats?


*Firstly, it's explicitly stated that the intent of Modern Horizons isn't to completely warp the entire format or turn it into a different version of Legacy." - Emma Handy

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

7 years ago

RazortoothMtg: Thank you! I had never seen Panglacial Wurm before, so I went looking and found these too:

I wouldn't have expected anything less than fantastic quotes from Ib.

Enral Thanks for the compliment and the upvote!

Mike94: Thanks Mike, I'm glad you like it!

Game_of_Cones on I feel thrifty : )

7 years ago

I'd actually be psyched to pull a Goblin Ski Patrol!

Will let you know which uncommon & rares come out of them.

Ohthenoises on Good Flavor Quotes for Deckbox …

8 years ago

I've always been partial to Goblin Ski Patrol it's never NOT applicable.

Ib Halfheart, goblin tactician

McSleuthburger on Phenomenal Art/Flavor Text on Phenomenally …

9 years ago

Goblin Ski Patrol: Everything about this card is amazing
Laughing Hyena: Muffin jokes dominate all jokes