Goblin Snowman

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Snowman

Creature — Goblin

Whenever Goblin Snowman blocks, prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to and dealt by it this turn.

symobl:T: Goblin Snowman deals 1 damage to target creature it's blocking.

SteelSentry on Secret Lair: Sans Mercy

6 months ago

If I had to guess, it was planned for April 1st but got delayed. I have not seen one person that is interested in them, even though the art is great. I'd much rather have unplayable cards with great art like the last April Fools secret lair (featured cards like Mudhole and Goblin Snowman) than having them both look great and be hard to look at.

DreadKhan on Why Are Goblins More Popular …

1 year ago

I think dwarves are associated with being extremely devoted craft-persons, mastering skills that a human neither lives long enough to achieve similar skill. In many settings dwarves are the best mortal craft-persons, and I think they are meant to represent the 'noble' skilled trade persons of the world, people who devote endless hours of struggle and strain, if not outright suffering, to get really, really good at something, not so much for their own benefit (because they could do something else and it'd be easier) though they are usually paid. Becoming a craft person is a life of sacrifice, and those who chose it were often known to be difficult/stubborn, if they weren't they wouldn't have succeeded. If you think about history, most people either were skilled or depended on those who were, so myths about such beings would be quite sympathetic.

I think if you consider dwarves to be representative of the trade-persons of old, it's pretty obvious why modern people don't feel the same connection to dwarves, dwarves that would have reminded you of the local blacksmith perhaps are now much more alien, who do these people remind you of if you work in an office and everyone you know has white collar jobs? Dwarves as they originally were presented are insane in their own way (by modern sensibilities), but in a way that is not very marketable, a life of unending toil (and a likely much shorter lifespan) in trades seems horrifying to many people used to an easier life.

Goblins in contrast with Dwarves, at least as presented in MtG, are quite relatable by modern standards. Who's inner child doesn't love Goblin Snowman? Who's inner child still relates to Dwarven Armorer? I mean, mine does, I've always been fascinated by skilled trades. The silly nature of goblins, their insane technology, bonkers lifestyle/sheer impracticality grants them a significant charisma. The artists depicting Goblins likely relate more to the nature of Goblins, while those depicting Dwarves might not have the same connection. Dwarves have some aspects of artistry in many settings, but it's in the furtherance of their skills, making things pleasing to the eye is a task to be considered once you can already make it perfect by every other metric, artists never work in terms of perfection the way engineers get to (this guy aside). You'll be a much better blacksmith if you have artistic ability that you have cultivated, but the fundamental task of blacksmithing is deeply different from most art, much more sweat and pain arguably goes into smithing than painting or singing.

In conclusion, I think the reason Goblins were more popular is a mix of a number of factors, but the shortened version is that it's a lot harder to relate to dwarves now than it used to be, so their weird nature/lifestyle seems alien, both to consumers and to creators. I could be wrong, but I think if more of the WotC employees had trades backgrounds 'back in the day' we would have seen a lot more dwarves, and they'd have probably been more exciting.

In terms of gameplay, I think it's also a potential issue that Dwarves have very little synergy with one another, but Goblins are one of the high synergy tribes that's seen lots of support, there are so many Goblins and most of them care about other Goblins (or fill a role like fast aggro), so if you build a whole deck around Goblins it's going to be a lot more synergistic than one built around, say, Dwarves that came out before the year 2000.

Random point, since goblins usually care about other goblins (this guy aside), if you are building a deck with access to them and Dwarves and only want to throw in a few, does it make more sense to use him with no synergy or this guy?

defamagraphy1 on Into the Unknooown

4 years ago


Still sad that's there's no Teferi's Moat because there's a Castle Winter Orb because the ice and snow hindered everyone Castle Vantress because a Castle.


And no Goblin Snowman


Double_O_Duck on Whacked by Krenko (High-Power, Fast Token Aggro)

4 years ago

Have you considered the cards Goblin Caves or Goblin Shrine? They are great ways to bump up your goblins. Also I have found that the card Goblin Flotilla can prove to be very annoying, and the card Goblin Snowman is a great way to suck massive ammounts of damage.

SquirrelPenguin on A stupid format.

4 years ago

Here are the rules: it works like commander, but it is never played with only 2 players. Instead, each player makes an EDH deck using either Storm Crow, Squire, Mudhole, or Goblin Snowman. One opponent is strengthened with the powerful Siege Rhino as the commander. Players must work together to defeat Siege Rhino. There is no commander damage, and players each start at 20 life. Oh, and I almost forgot, decks must only use common and uncommon cards.

TheSurgeon on Krenko's Kamikaze Posse

4 years ago

doodlemoo- Thanks for the suggestion. Strategically, I agree; I actually like Goblin Instigator more. But as you said, Command has the desired flavor.

I will use Goblin Snowman for the start of a sideboard, to round this out as a complete deck for beginners to learn at my local lgs. Also, this card bring's back a lot of nostalgia, as I used to have the original from Ice Age, and remember loving the artwork fondly when I was 13. Thanks!!

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