Dimensional Breach

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Dimensional Breach


Remove all permanents from the game. As long as any of those cards remain removed from the game, at the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player returns one of the removed cards he or she owns to play.

SufferFromEDHD on Preston, White Rabbit

5 months ago

Soul Partition removal or slow blink effect to trigger Preston.

Dimensional Breach go big or go home.

SufferFromEDHD on Blinky Bunny

6 months ago

Dimensional Breach > Ondu Inversion

Restart the game. Next turn bring back Preston. You rebuild at double speed.

Crow_Umbra on The Norn Identity

1 year ago

Ooo yeah, Sevinne's Reclamation is an old favorite. I'll have to find a spot for it. Maybe even a straight up replacement for Rally the Ancestors or Cosmic Intervention.

I like Pulsemage Advocate a bit more than Dimensional Breach. Knowing my friends, I think they'd rather just start a new game than have rebuild from a Dimensional Breach restart.

SufferFromEDHD on The Norn Identity

1 year ago

Two niche cards that I'm currently testing are Pulsemage Advocate and Dimensional Breach.

Pulsemage is weird anti graveyard tech that reanimates/triggers Preston.

Breach is old school jank that restarts the game but with Prestons creature doubling we come out ahead.

TotesMcGoats on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

2 years ago

VayraTheGatherer Hey, feel free! I posted the deck and primer for a reason! :D For Arcane Artisan, in my own personal experience playing Group Hug Decks, I'm not a huge fan of effects that let my opponents cheat things into play such as Braids, Conjurer Adept, Hypergenesis, or Tempting Wurm. When I used to play these sorts of cards in my Phelddagrif Group Hug deck, what happens is you usually just end up randomly Kingmaking whichever opponent happened to be playing the biggest scariest thing in the hand like an Eldrazi or something. Its never as symmetrical as it seems it should be, you know? That's why I like focusing on card draw for my Group Hugging, you still speed up the game by making sure people hit their land drops and ramp and have action to play, but they still have to put in the work to cast those cards, they don't just get to cheat them for free.

Dimensional Breach feels like an absolutely miserable card to play against, because this will hit every single permanent including lands. Tokens are just gone forever, and players are now forced to slowly get back 1 land or creature or whatever at a time to rebuild their boards. Its like starting the entire game over, and nobody is going to want to sit through that. A much better option I think would be Out of Time, which phases out only creatures as a sort of pseudo-board wipe for a number of turns but then safely returns them all back into play without removing tokens or retriggering any ETB, and most importantly, its ONLY creatures, so no need to replay absolutely everything. Its also why I prefer cards like AEtherize as opposed to Wrath of God because you can be a bit more precise with what to remove, and you're only temporarily bouncing it back to hand to be replayed later, rather than just removing it forever.

Having Hexproof for yourself is nice, but kind of unnecessary I think. Ideally no one should really be targeting you with very many spells since you're far from being the biggest threat at the table. Anything they DO target you with you should most likely have a counterspell for if its a big enough deal, or otherwise if its not actively about to kill you, let it slide. The great thing about Kwain is that we're playing him on Turn 2 every single game, and he should hopefully stick around the whole game, so when we're gaining a life every single turn our life total should be pretty stacked. If there's some sort of infinite damage combo or repeatable trigger that keeps threatening your life total, than that's what we have counterspells and removal for. I like to take a more reactive approach to things, rather than trying to construct an untouchable pillowfort. Its why I don't play Solitary Confinement or Island Sanctuary or Blazing Archon. And if you're worried about burn, cards like Aegis of the Gods or Teyo, the Shieldmage won't actually do much besides eat the first burn spell.

Spiritual Focus is... a weird card. I guess if you want to run it as a metagame decision if someone in your playgroup plays Nath of the Gilt-Leaf, Tinybones, Trinket Thief or some other discard focused deck or a lot of wheels like Nekusar, the Mindrazer. But honestly, with the sheer amount of card draw that this deck will provide the entire table, discard decks are going to have a much harder time keeping up, and they're just going to have a bad time. You'll have enough cards in hand that you won't really care to ditch one or two.

As for Nekusar, the Mindrazer and other similar strategies looking to punish card draw... well that's sort of a sticky situation for us since all of our extra card draw is actively hurting everyone except the Nekusar player and helping them a LOT. This is the sort of matchup you really just want to discuss and avoid in Rule 0 conversations, because someone is going to have a miserable time, and its probably the Nekusar player as every single card they play in their deck is a threat that you simply can't allow to resolve to stick around on the board for more than a turn.

I hope this helps :)

VayraTheGatherer on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

2 years ago

Some other stuff I'm thinking of: Dimensional Breach... the longer I look at it... :P Aegis of the Gods and Spiritual Focus in case the table got smarter or you're facing burn. Similarly, Teyo, the Shieldmage could do a trick or two alongside limiting your opponents' attackers.

Strangelove on Karona, Roving Herd of False Gods

4 years ago

@AtashiDesu, I wish there was more goad! But yea, there are a lot of options.

If you like Barrier, there's also Pramikon, Sky Rampart .

I'll usually save Elephant Grass for when I can cast Karona at the same time and pay for it until she leaves. Since my hugs are like Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis / Rites of Flourishing /etc, I have mana to do whatever I want tho. Island Sanctuary is mostly just for Karona.

The problem I see with the vows and mana, imo, is the commander tax. 6 is a lot. Expecting to have 9 (or more) mana open for Karona and a vow, let alone any other shenanigans, is hopeful. Auras are generally bad because they trade 2:1 very easily. You could Omniscience with that mana. I almost always want to play my land for turn and then keep casting Karona... even for 14 mana because people kill her :)

If flying midrange is a thing, add some wipes! I usually run 4-6 in commander. Rn I'm testing Dimensional Breach (bring back a pillow card... then Karona!).

My other favorite is Endless Whispers to keep Karona alive or Grave Betrayal if you can survive the hate.

If you can decide between the "Breaking Legendary," "Karona Voltron," and Pillowfort, I think the cuts will make more sense to you. All-in on breaking the Legendary rule would be pretty funny to see!

Ravenrose on Aminatou Wants to Play with You

5 years ago

I like this idea a lot. Aminatou hiding behind her age ... while throwing her opponents completely off their game because she confuses them so mightily. You might be interested in with Dictate of Kruphix since you wish to go for a group hug kind of play style. Dimensional Breach may also peak your interest. Magister of Worth is group hug too ... (cackles evilly). Tempt with Reflections, Tempt with Glory and Tempt with Immortality is synergy with Aminatou: she manipulates people's fates and she uses their stuff in order to make friends. See where I am going with this?

I hope these have helped! If you have some time, would you be so kind as to review my Fate deck? Your advice has been helpful to me in the past.

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