Every army needs a motivation, a reason to be in the front line and actually take a shot for the greater good. The thing is that in this deck that shot will probably be a friendly fire, but what the hell. We gathered all the weak and useless scum and gave them merit under the motto: "Worthless is the new worthful" in a stupidly-fun, easy-going, budget-friendly deck.
This deck has three main winning conditions, and all of them work together perfectly.
1) Zulaport Cutthroat + attacking aggressively and multiple sacrifices: The highest mana cost in this deck is 3, there are 29 creatures in it, 8 of them spawn tokens when dying. The most probable scenario is that at turn 4 you have at least 5 creatures on battlefield (if you didnt start killing them, you sick bastard). Well, one Zulaport on play is great, two is awesome, three is OMGGOTTASACRIFICE, and four will probably give you a seizure. Attack with all of them, use Foul-Tongue Shriek when you got a good number of minions, and start scarfing the rest. You can save some to block and die as well, all for the greater good. With a Grim Haruspex in play, you're gonna keep your hand plenty as each non token bastard who dies is gonna make you draw a card.
2) Nantuko Husk + Rogue's Passage: Well, if you have a legion of weak minions but no way to get the damage pass through, you have this sweet combo to help you. Get Nantuko in play, if it's possible play passage on the next turn. Attack with your whole board and before resolving the damage, activate the passage, sacrifice them all the give +lots/+lots to that unblockeable insect. As a plus, you'll trigger lots of Zulaports or Grims if you have them.
3) Corpseweft + Rogue's Passage: Dang, you already killed 12 creatures and you're running out of minions to sacrifice, how to score a big finishing blow? Well, remember that Enchantment you cast at some point of the match but never really used? Time to give it a go. Before your opponent ends his/her turn, exile your army of rooting corpses from the graveyard and create a ridiculously big zombie horror token (it can easily be a 14/14 on a normal match). Same thing as before, active passage on it and watch how the faces of all the fallen bastards you tricked to fight for you deliver a brutal blow to your opponent.
Pitiless Horde is a great muscle to appear with, if you have it in hand, and you have enough mana for it, do it. You can either hit them 5 points, or get it killed triggering Zulaport/Grim and feeding the Corpseweft on the future.
Altar's Reap is a great instant with awesome synergy with the deck, with a Grim in play, it usually means 3 cards for 2 mana
I don't recommend attacking with Zulaport or Grim, unless it's the final blow or casting foul-tongue or something
If you have some free mana, and are planning to go for the first or second strategy, you can spawn zombie tokens as much as you'd like
Bloodsoaked Champion it's as versatile as you'll get, spam attacks, trigger sacrifices and 'when a creature dies' and bring it back to the game. with a nantuko, 2 zulaports, a bloodsoaked and 6 lands, you can do a 16HP gap every turn.
Well, that's about it, the worthless is the new worthful.
Please feel free to comment, give opinions and critics. And I guess a +1 if you like the deck. Cheers!