lescarabello says... #1

Uou... I think this card have more power than I could see... Thanks NoSoyYucateco, I'll make some updates!

January 27, 2016 6:24 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #2

No problem. It's the strongest of the clone cards, but there are plenty of others as well, such as Clone Legion, Supplant Form, etc... You can also run auras to enchant others' creatures, such as Spirit Away or Mind Control.

You also have the option of running some of the new Awaken cards to turn your lands into creatures, which you can sacrifice to Jalira, or just keep on the battlefield so you have creatures. Part the Waterveil or Scatter to the Winds could be very good.

January 27, 2016 6:42 a.m. Edited.