The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)

Modern DuTogira

SCORE: 139 | 238 COMMENTS | 30576 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

The Last Change —Oct. 20, 2014

2xHex Parasite --> 2xCelestial Dawn because we all hate Blood Moon.
2xDarksteel Citadel --> 1xIsland+1xSwamp to further strengthen the deck against Blood Moon, and also because the majority of the sideboard consists of white spells, which means the extra white mana can't hurt. Often, I find that the Darksteel Citadel would be just as useful as any other mana that comes into play untapped anyway.
1xJudge's Familiar + 2xClockspinning --> 3xLeyline of Sanctity. Not sure how I managed to dodge Cruel Control decks until now, but Leyline is a must have against them, otherwise Thoughtseize and cards like it bring my win rate down to around 20%, which is also unacceptable. The one Familiar can go without hurting this deck's control match-up too much, and Clockspinning is a dead card in this deck far too often. If I really need to move counters around, I'll do it with Hex Parasite.

These changes were inspired by my recent performance at my FNM, where I was absolutely stomped by a U/W/R Miracles deck running Blood Moon. Ended up 0/2, and in further testing of this deck against decks which run Blood Moon, this deck tended to have no better than a 25% win-rate, which is unacceptable. These changes should smooth out that match-up, without doing any serious harm to any other match-up this deck may be played in.
The other match I lost was to Dredge, although through further testing versus the Dredge deck, I determined that my deck does still tend to have a favorable match-up against dredge decks, and that my loss was -while not a fluke- not the expected outcome when these two decks clash.

From here on out I will not be making any more changes to the deck unless you can make the most convincing of arguments for why I should be using a certain card that I'm not, and what card(s) I should switch out to add these "must haves."

DuTogira says... #1

Updates to the maybe-board discussions. Thoughts anyone?
Wall of Denial vs Wall of Omens
Blue Sun's Zenith vs Clockspinning

October 17, 2014 12:46 a.m.