New age 8-Rack

Modern GeminiSpartanX


1st place MNM! —Aug. 26, 2014

This deck finally had its day in the sun! Er, ...night of utter despair....for my opponents! It won a 4 round Monday night modern last night. Here's the breakdown-

Round 1 vs Blumanji- game 1 I had an awesome opening hand with a rack, 3 IoKs and a few lands. He was forced to discard his Mana Leak and had a hand with 3 bolts and land. I took a bolt next turn before forcing him to use the other 2 the turn after. Lilianna came down after he was out of bolts and closed out the game quickly. Game 2 was more of the same, with him countering my hand discard (effectively doing the same thing), but he had a counter for my first Lily. Luckily I ripped another one and was able to follow up the next turn with the discard that kept his hand low for the rest of the game until I drew into a rack ftw.

Round 2 vs UWR control- started with a rack into a Wrench Mind where he discarded 2 Path to Exile since he knew what I was on. I kept up the pressure turn 3 by hardcasting 2 Raven's Crime then retracing one of them again to empty his hand. Lily came down and closed it out after that. Game 2 I kept a more loose hand, but he admitted that his deck was very weak to black discard, and I got there with Bottled Cloister giving me the card advantage to win.

Round 3 vs Melira Pod- I handily took game 1 on the play, discarding his early mana dork and using Wrench Mind right after he played his Spellskite. He was able to chord for a Scavenging Ooze, but I got out too many racks and won after a few Lily activations. Game 2 he won quickly after I mulled to 6 and had no answers for his turn 2 Voice into his turn 3 Thrun, the Last Troll. Game 3 was the grindiest game of the night, with me failing to find a rack after my first 1 got blown up by Abrupt Decay. Luckily I kept an opening hand with Ensnaring Bridge that kept him at bay the whole game. Phyrexian Arena gave me the card advantage for the win, allowing me to find the discard I needed to cut down on the 3-4 lands he was keeping in his hand. Lily +1 into another Lily +1 into smallpox and playing a 2nd rack to win in the extra turns at the end, with me down to 3 life due to my own Phyrexian Arena. It was close, and we both learned a few things about our decks afterwards.

I split for 1st with the only other guy who went 3-0 for $25 in store credit.

Final score: 3-0-1