Meren's Gravediggers (Green/black staxx hell)

Commander / EDH* ElderCheese


Back again —July 20, 2022

So i am back tweaking this thing again and early signs are extremely promising. My win rate has climbed and the deck feels more consistent with more answers to problems I run into. I've added more discard, board wipes and land destruction. I also overhauled the mana base so it runs much smoother now. Some notable cuts Green Sun's Zenith is out it was a nice card but to limed in this deck. Everything it does card: final devastation does better. Mana Web is an awesome card but it just does not help with my current meta and it competes with so many other powerful cards. Manglehorn is fighting for the most important 3 cmc slot. Force of Vigor had to hard cast this one to many times, I have a lot of ways to kill artifacts and enchantments already. Reclamation Sage its fighting for the all powerful 3 cmc slot. Notable adds Desolation Why did I not know about this card! this just ends people if they get behind at all. Necropotence its back baby, this was originally cut because of the three black but I need card draw. The Meathook Massacre yep. Imperial Seal Don't ask how I got this card but its here and so its in. Pernicious Deed just a big shot gun that sits there and threatens everyone. Burglar Rat a small add but part of my new card denial sub theme. Things I want to add still Pox and or card:Small pox and more discard/draw