Budget Khans Control 1st @ FNM

Standard golffore297


1st @ FNM! —Nov. 21, 2014

Went first at FNM for the first time ever and I was very proud. This build has been doing better than I had hoped it to. While it was a small night with only nine people playing, there was four rounds and enough to make me feel proud to earn first.

Match 1: Abzan Midrange/Dredge

My opponent's deck mostly focused around Hornet Queen and Siege Rhino with a small flavor of Ashen Rider and Resolute Archangel with Whip of Erebos. Game one he beat me when I didn't have enough answers to his Hornet Queens soon enough and was able to chip me down and finish me off with a whipped Siege Rhino. Games 2 and 3 I sided in Doomwake Giants to take care of Elvish Mystics, Satyr Wayfinders, and Insect tokens, as well as a blocker for Siege Rhino. After making it to turn 8 game 2, I countered what would be his only threat, an Ashen Rider. Game 3 went similarly when I had a Doomwake Giant out, used Extinguish All Hope, and gained perfect field control. 2-1

Match 2: Sultai Midrange

I'll say here that this deck is very good against Midrange decks. It's hard for it to lose against them as you'll have plenty of time to stock your hand while they set up their board. Reaper of the Wilds was able to give me a little trouble, forcing two removal spells out of my hand game 1, but after taking care of it, there was little else that could hurt me. Game 2 went very similarly, I just had the perfect board control and answers to his creatures. 2-0

Match 3: R/B Aggro (kinda)

I'm not really going to talk about this one. Someone who said they were coming didn't show up and someone not that good was playing in place of them, and well, yea. 2-0

Match 4: MUD

I was playing against one of the people in my playgroup for the finals, so we were both perfectly well aware of how each others decks worked. He knew I had the upper hand preboarding, and tried to dig game 1 with Dictate of Kruphixes, but failed to find any good answers while I was able to keep stable with boardwipes and Silence the Believers for any Thassa, God of the Seas. Game 2 he kept a questionable hand with one too many land, and didn't really hit any threats, while a Doomwake Giant swept away his field and kept punching until an Aetherspouts came down, which didn't matter much since I had a Pearl Lake Ancient in my hand. 2-0.

So a very satisfying night, going 4-0 and 6-1. Doomwake Giant has been something I have been keeping in the sideboard since I don't have Drown in Sorrow, but they have been working better in this deck and I'm going to be keeping them in for the future.

amazedfurball says... #1

I like this deck, its nice and simple and I think some more experiance with MTG and i could use this effectively, i have most of the cards for this deck and I think I could custom it to the cards I have.

November 19, 2014 6:16 p.m.