Relic Amulet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Relic Amulet


Whenever you cast an instant, sorcery or Wizard spell, put a charge counter on Relic Amulet.

, , Remove all charge counters from Relic Amulet: It deals that much damage to target creature.

Joker4242 on Mono Red Damage Trigger Deck

4 years ago

Hey, welcome to the world of spell-slinging! So if you plan on continuing down the aggressive road I would suggest adding more burn spells (spells that deal damage). Probably remove your buff spells because they are just really dangerous to play. Someone could kill the creature you try to target and then your buff spell fizzles out and is useless. Burn spells (like Lightning Bolt) are way better because you can kill a creature, but also deal direct damage if you need to. I really like Relic Amulet, pretty much the only card from Zendikar rising that I actually really liked. but to make it work, you need more instants and sorceries. Plus it looks like you are not playing many wizards. You could go a more instant/sorcery burn heavy deck instead of having lots of creatures (instead you could only play creatures that have trigger abilities for whenever you play spells, sort of like support cards). Like Guttersnipe, Young Pyromancer, and Heartfire Immolator.

the other problem I foresee is your lack of card advantage. Red is so fast that it burns through its resources extremely quickly. You are left with an empty hand in no time at all. I would suggest finding some stability cards. Because You seem to be going the fast damage route, cards like Light Up the Stage, Risk Factor, or Tectonic Reformation.

If you want to go more creatures, perhaps consider going with goblins. Very cheap, easy to play, and there are certain cards that can build you a ravenous army in no time at all.

Hope all this is somewhat useful. I am happy to help if you got any other questions.

Joker4242 on Day's Recasting

4 years ago

Still trying to decide what the ideal sideboard would be. One of the most difficult decks to ply against are ninja and aggressive werewolf decks actually. They are fast and can easily avoid counterspells with ninjitsu. Aggro in general make things more difficult. Snapcaster Mage is only really a placeholder as they honestly don't fit exactly into this deck. I already have Force of Negation which exiles some of my cards. Mystic Sanctuary does a better job of reusing spells (sometimes more than once). Archmage's Charm used to be in the deck but it turned out to be too slow. The three blue cot wasn't always the issue, but the hard counter for three was nothing special. Force of Negation took over rather quickly. I really like Relic Amulet as it will act as actual removal. Downside is that it may be a bit too slow and I really don't have any wizards. I'm mostly looking for cards in the sideboard that shutdown certain decks (specifically ninjas; can't counter and bouncing doesn't really help either).

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