Obstinate Familiar

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Obstinate Familiar

Creature — Lizard

If you would draw a card, you may skip that draw instead.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on The Naughty List

2 years ago

I realized you have the Blazing Sunsteel + Brash Taunter combo in here, nifty! Combined with Loxodon Warhammer, you now have an infinitely large Auntie, but then again, you can just kill the table with the combo.

A card I don't understand in here, as cool as it is, is Obstinate Familiar. Mind to elaborate its uses for the deck?

A little suggestion I recently addedto my own red Voltron: Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar scyrockets your voltron's damage output.

Zwadri on cEDH Kroxa - Loops | Primer

4 years ago

PeaceAndMusic You could make the Wheel + LED into a winner as well with Obstinate Familiar.

That would be so funny to defeat someone like that, mill everybody!

Yesterday on If you control two replacement …

6 years ago

Example –

You control both an Underrealm Lich and an Obstinate Familiar. You go to draw a card. Do you have the option of choosing in which order the effects apply (appropriate Magic terminology for this sentence would be appreciated in an answer too btw thx), meaning you could use the Lich's ability to look at the top three and choose one - or you could choose not to draw due to the Obstinate's ability, and therefore not use the Lich's ability as a result of having chosen to not draw; or considering that the Lich says you have no option but to replace the draw effect with its ability, does this mean that you would have no option to choose not to draw - as as a result of the Lich's nonconsentual ability, you must look at the top three cards and choose one rather than drawing a card and so therefore don't have an option to replace the nonexistent draw with the Obstinate's ability?

Sorrynotsorry for the convoluted sentence. I had fun typing it.

Thanks in advance.

Tartaras on Xantcha Worldgorger Combo

6 years ago

There's an Obstinate Familiar in the list to allow me to skip the draws, and I'll probably put in a Words of Waste, which replaces those draws with making your opponents discard cards.

TheCatHerder on Grix & Stones, Draw Cards, Break Bones!

6 years ago

Obstinate Familiar always seemed like a good fit with mind razer

SteveWIII on Scorpion God is AMAZING!!! ...right?

6 years ago

Your guys' suggestions are amazing! Maybe as another thing, instead of shuffling stuff back in there's a way to slow my draw? I know there's Obstinate Familiar, Maralen of the Mornsong, and Omen Machine, and those cards are great, but is there anything else? Because if not, I might just not play Scorp God in my deck.

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