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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Burn Bright
Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.

Stardragon on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
Clan of Bloodbraided 2
Legendary Enchantment-MR
Creatures you control gain +2/0 and trample
Whenever you creature you control destroys a creatures it gains a +1/+1 counter and than cascades
: Target creature you control fights another creature or planeswalker you don't control (Planeswalker power and toughness are equal to their loyalty)
This is for a Kresh the Bloodbraided Precon. It takes inspiration from both Kresh himself and Bloodbraid Elf in that thier clan gets stronger by killing (Kresh) and can cascade (Elf) but they have to kill other creatures to gain both. This helps Kresh in two ways make your creatures bigger so when they die he get more counters and cascade can add more creatures giving him more bodies and fuel
Using the flavor texts from these cards Burn Bright, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Gruul War Chant, Skylasher make creature called Kroshkar, Gruul Shamen (the flavor text is to help you if need it)
Sedohr on
Rioting against Humans
5 years ago
I've added Domri, Anarch of Bolas to the list as well for me to look when I go to my store this or next weekend. The extra mana ramp should help me make sure I get to the CMC 7/8 for my big drops, and can give me wiggle room to remove some lands. The creature counter prevention is nice but bumps up against Rhythm of the Wild for that ability. That aside, it can help earlier if I don't draw Rhythm of the Wild for some reason or if the opponent removes them as well. I think I would replace Burn Bright with this planeswalker. The natural +1/+0 to creatures is like a mini version of it that is always on instead of just until end of turn. The -3 for fighting can be useful in case they have a few key defenders causing headache too.
sherrory on
Krenko, Bad Man
5 years ago
Eledain: Goblin Chainwhirler and Legion Warboss are fantastic cards to be sure, but I especially dislike that chainwhirler can't be discounted by Goblin Warchief .
Cavalcade of Calamity is a GREAT idea though! It will most definitely replace Burn Bright as by anticlimactic win-con
musicman3310 on
$22 Gruul Midrange
6 years ago
You could also maybe find something better than Burn Bright . It shines best in token decks where you can maximize the +2/+0s, but with this deck featuring mostly large creatures, you're "going tall" instead of "going wide". Maybe you could throw in two Plummet or Rabid Bite for it.
Omi_Boi on
6 years ago
Nice to see people are seeing my deck idea and jumping on the bandwagon with this! I posted this deck up quite some time ago, you even used exactly the same name as it haha. I’ll take it as a compliment :) I guess great minds think alike! Nice iteration of my original for sure! have you thought about adding any pump spells? A couple folks suggested mass pump effects like Burn Bright for combat tricks. Also, after creating the original version of this, I found that for the top end Legion Warboss was a great way of continuously creating more and more goblins each turn. Although they may die in combat, you still get the guaranteed damage proc off cavalcade if you have it on the battlefield. +1 dude
Poaralion on
6 years ago
This deck look soooooo coool. I want to try it right now.
Have you ever thought about Burn Bright ? You attack, get the proc with Cavalcade of Calamity then +2/+0 your team for a serious blast ?