Bandit's Talent

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Pre-release Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Bandit's Talent

Enchantment — Class

(This enters at Level 1: You may increase this enchantment's level by one by paying the appropriate costs. This card gains the ability associated with that level. Activate this ability to increase the level only as a sorcery.)

Level 1

When this enters, each opponent discards two cards unless they discard a nonland card.

: Level 2

At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has one or fewer cards in hand, they lose 2 life.

: Level 3

At the beginning of your draw step, draw an additional card for each opponent who has one or fewer cards in hand.

RiotRunner789 on Any discard payoffs on mono …

6 months ago

Bandit's Talent is the newest payoff. Each level is great but you don't get resources till 3.

Asylum Visitor for tons of cards.

Sangromancer for stupid amounts of life.

Technically reanimate spells are also payoffs and even Bloodchief Ascension for incremental life gain.

Abaques on Your favourite Card from Bloomburrow

6 months ago

RiotRunner789 I totally lost to Bandit's Talent in pre-release. That card did some work.

RiotRunner789 on Your favourite Card from Bloomburrow

6 months ago

My favorite is Bandit's Talent. Not a ton of good discard cards come around that often. Though the strategy has seen more love since Tiny Bones.

Flavor wise though, Tempt with Bunnies is the best. Solid addition to the tempt series and who can say no to a bunny?

wallisface on Rakdos discard aggro

6 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • there is already an established archetype called “8rack” which I would suggest googling to get an idea of what the competitive decks in this vein are doing. In particular, some good example lists to use as inspiration are this and this

  • your current sideboard feels a lot like “cards you couldn’t fit in the mainboard”. I’d suggest gearing this towards actually fighting your problem matchups instead.

  • The new card from Bloomburrow, Bandit's Talent has been seemingly doing very well so far in 8rack testing by various youtubers, and it seems to be a better version of Shrieking Affliction in basically every conceivable metric. I’d suggest giving it a trt.