How to deal with Rest in Peace Standard Hello guys, I'm playing B/U zombies and i have trouble finding an answer for [[card:Rest in Peace]]. Is countering it my only choice? Hello guys, I'...

...Dimir, If you pick based on play style, Dimir is fine, but if you want to win I do not think you should pick Dimir. IT GOT HOSED! i've seen some blisteringly fast dimir agro decks. I can really ...

How to decide on a deck? Deck Help Well after playing all of the release events I am lost when it comes to making a standard deck. I played a lot of different things and really like what all there is...

...Dimir (Blue-Black) deck, that has a better control element, with it's access to counterspells, though it will offer you less in the lifegaining part. [[Zandl]] made a Pauper challenge a while bac...

...dimir agent or maybe the next guildmaster of the dimir, but I have a bad feeling that this child will SOMEHOW be pivotal in defeating bolas. Perhaps this event happens 20 years before bolas comes to r...

idea (broken?) Custom Cards [[u]][[u]][[u]][[b]][[b]][[b]] Creature Players can only draw cards during their own turn, and players cant draw more than 1 card each turn. Players cant cast more than...


b/w midrange Deck Help what u think about this deck?? something to take out or something that is missing???.....u think is a strong and competitive option??? need advices :) [[deck-large:b/w-midrang...

Help With Ulgris Counters Deck Help I made a deck that I really like. It's Ulgris colours (G/U/B) and it abuses graft, modular, scavenge, and proliferate. If a couple of the pros could just drop ...

jeskai evaluation Deck Help so i went to pre-release for dragons, and this is the deck im almost finished with, i dont mind that the deck is over 60 cards, should i add planeswalkers like liliana, g...

Help with my first modern deck!! Deck Help I'm going for a B/U rogues and make it competitive and i need advice on what i can improve and help with a sideboard and how many fetches i should run....

Question about [[bring to light]] with [[radiant flames]] If I cast a [[bring to light]] for W,U,B,G,R, to cast a [[radiant flames]]. Will it deal 5 damage to each creature? If I cast a [[bring to ...

R/B Unblockable Aggro Deck Help So i've been thinking about this for a long time. I haven't ever seen a deck completely around unblock-able creatures. Like having a [[Gudal Lurker]] and a [[T...

What's worth exiling in Standard? Please help! Standard Deck Help Hello everyone, I run U/B control and use [[Lost Legacy]] in my sideboard. I'm wondering what other cards or mechanics peopl...

Standard getting the Tarmogoyf Treatment. General So if you haven't heard by now, the original [[Tarmogoyf]] at one point was designed to cost [[2]][[G]] and base toughness of 0. Well somebody w...

Cruise wasn't enough.... Custom Cards Hey guys. I was reading an article the other day about the potential of delve cards later in Khans. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 2...

RTR "Decree" cycle? Custom Cards Check it out and tell me what you think? :D --- Decree of the Supreme Judge [[3]][[W]][[U]] Enchantment Whenever a permanent becomes the target of a spe...

...Dimir colors (U/B), and I thought white added in some good effects to add and had some good commanders for this type of strategy; [[Halfdane]]: I know I know. I said I wanted to make this on a budget...

...dimir deck. so in your opinion which do you think is worse overall? Dimir or izzet in the sense of if you build an izzet and dimir deck for a standard tournament which would go further Dimir, withou...

B/G Infect Tournament Status Deck Help So I need help with the sideboard for my infect deck. I haven't actually attended an FNM but i was talking with the judge there, and he said the winner was ...

B/U/R Sorin Karn Deck Help Please check out my B/U/R Sorin Karn deck. [[deck:bur-sorin-karn]]. I liked an idea i saw awhile back (cant remember now) of a deck with a very small creature base. The gu...