Tabletop game out of hand

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 10, 2015, 1:28 a.m. by Kinge

I recently built a deck for a friend. Turn 3 Eldrazi for <150$ I really enjoyed making it and my friend is relatively new to magic so it was a simple deck that was cheap and easy to play and learn. The problem then arose that my other friend and me (we have a group of three) were consistently losing to this new deck (both in 1v1v1 and 1v1). I have been making dozens of different decks to find a match up that could consistently win or at least be a fair challenge for this deck. I have been working on these different ideas for over a month now and nothing seems to be working.

So if you have a deck that is <150$ and is in modern (the format we keep to) that is at least a far match up or can give me some inspiration, please post a comment with a link to it or the idea. Thanks

Sk0oMa says... #2

It would help if I had the list of your friends deck, but here..try this: (BML) Unexpected LD Control

December 10, 2015 1:32 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #3

Ignore my stupid comment about needing the list lol

December 10, 2015 1:33 a.m.

Nemesis says... #4

Have you considered making just a regular control deck? Anything that can kill creatures seems like it'd do relatively well against this deck. Hold kill spell for the piper, play stuff throughout. Something like a black devotion deck.

December 10, 2015 1:33 a.m.

Kinge says... #5

Seris800 Sorry I was looking at the deck you listed. lol Do you mean the decks I have been making, the ones we currently used against it, or the deck itself (which is in the OP)?

Nemesis That is actually my most recent deck type that I have tried, but to no avail. (will post deck list in a sec)

December 10, 2015 1:47 a.m.

Kinge says... #6

December 10, 2015 1:50 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #7

I meant the OP because I read too fast and am an idiot lol!

December 10, 2015 1:51 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #8

But as for your removal package, if you choose to go that route, I recommend Tribute to Hunger and Crackling Doom for anti eldrazi bullets, then you can run hand disruption etc to pick apart his engine...

December 10, 2015 1:55 a.m.

Kinge says... #9

Seris800 Thanks for the suggestion but I often find that 3 mana is too slow to stop him playing more Eldrazis than my removal can deal with (one lucky Artisan of Kozilek draw and it's all over). Losing life is also not the problem but being forced to sacrifice my lands that fuel my removal. LD is not something I have tried yet though and I will look into it.

December 10, 2015 2:08 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #10

The LD list I sent you should be sufficient as you will most likely be faster than him, and as for the 3 casting cost of tribute, those are for the eldrazi bombs yes, but the idea is to disrupt his hand and kill his ramp spells/creatures, preventing him from getting the eldrazi out as long as possible, then when he does, you make him sacrifice it...but I think the LD list will be better

December 10, 2015 2:22 a.m.

Piper and Arbor Elf die to everything. A land with a Utopia Sprawl or an Eldrazi land can get Ghost Quarter-ed. Take some of that stuff away and that deck is painfully slow and should get completely hosed by any half-decent aggro deck.

Another thought is to play a Polymorph deck. You create tokens, which are could against sac effects. You can run counterspells, which are great against most of those big creatures. And you can resolve your Polymorph or use a Proteus Staff a turn before they can use Piper (you can also ramp if you run green).

December 10, 2015 1:55 p.m.

brcap says... #12

I think the example situation in the deck description is not the issue - as piper dies to everything. The issue is more getting out a Conduit of Ruin turn 3 or 4 followed by a tutored threat the next turn. But the odds of that are pretty low, given the deck runs no non-basic land tutor like Expedition Map etc. Speed should straight up take this 8/10 times. This deck bounced around the site a while back, and would wreck the eldrazi deck (swap the burn spells for straight kill)

sub 20 buck rakdos

December 10, 2015 1:57 p.m.

brcap says... #13

Play-tested n' confirmed. 4-0 for rakdos. Every game won on or before T5, didn't even switch out the burn (it took me over the top for dmg some games)

December 10, 2015 2:17 p.m.

Justin_Bop says... #14

Kinge To be honest, just do exactly what Wizard_of_the_Broke said... Just add some simply interaction to your deck (Ghost Quarter is a very good idea, Lightning Bolt works, or even Terminate). Just adding those couple of cards can simply win you the game against certain decks.

I also believe that you shouldn't make a deck to specifically counter his deck. What if you want to, you know, play a match against someone else? What if (by some slim chance) they AREN'T playing the Eldrazi Ramp-o-Matic 4000? I feel you should either make deck that is well-rounded against any type of deck or you can just craft a sideboard to deal with decks in you meta.

Regardless of what you do, good luck! If you need any more help, just ask.

I'll also post the modern deck that I currently use if you would like to look at it. Not too sure if the deck is any good against your friends deck, but hey, you could always try it.

Decklist Show

December 10, 2015 5:25 p.m.

This discussion has been closed