Tymna and Tana Beatdown

Commander / EDH pybro


Saskia Steps Down —Jan. 7, 2017

I made a big update to this list today. Significantly, Saskia has taken a back seat to Tymna and Tana as commanders. The deck had a slight gap for card draw and Saskia simply draws too much hate, prompting the change.

As a result of having Tana in the command zone, I also dropped Sengir Autocrat, Spawnwrithe, and Prossh, Skyraider of Kher from the deck as I found them to be inefficient for what I was using them to do.

Another big change in this update is a much-needed land base optimisation. It is still semi-budget in that it uses what, at this time, are the cheap fetchlands only and uses shocklands with none of the ABUR duals which are too expensive for me at this time.

The Soul Sisters, Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant were also added for a bit of life gain advantage. With so many shocklands, fetchlands, and painlands in the deck, as well as Necropotence, life loss was actually starting to be a problem. On top of that, having over 40 life can be relevant in my meta since infinite combos aren't the most popular right now.

I also added Breath of Fury which goes so well with Tana, the Bloodsower and some haste. Speaking of which, the deck now has a couple of much-needed sources of haste. Fervor and Hammer of Purphoros have now been added.

I am not including a comprehensive list of changes in this update since it was a rather large overhaul and I didn't really keep that close track of what I dropped. Average CMC has been lowered a bit to the point where I am nearly happy with it (I'd love to see it at about 2.3).

This deck does still do a great job in the combat step! Saskia is a great card to draw and, with her not in the command zone, people don't save removal for her as consistently, which is fantastic!

Wrrohk says... #1

Any thoughts on Hydra Omnivore?

December 19, 2016 1:49 p.m.

pybro says... #2

Thanks Wrrohk. Very similar to Grenzo's Ruffians... I'd like to find a way to get each of them in as they could go a long way towards killing the table.

There's a problem with lack of haste though (it's a problem in the deck already) which makes high-CMC creatures difficult to play since they may well get removed by the time they can attack.

December 19, 2016 1:57 p.m.

Cmasa435 says... #3

Seeing as you want to smash face asap, Hammer of Purphoros and Fervor would help in the haste department.

December 19, 2016 2:32 p.m.

Cmasa435 says... #4

Also on a side note, I also adore Curse of Stalked Prey single someone out and your stuff gets buffed. Downside may be that in a big multiplayer game other players get +1/+1 counters too, though that can help keep them off you and only swinging at the cursed player.

December 19, 2016 2:35 p.m.